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LOSALine Operations Safety Audit
LOSALube Oil System Accumulator (Fluid Energy Controls, Inc.)
LOSALake Ontario Steelhead Association (est. 2002)
LOSALine of Sight Attenuation
LOSALongford Offshore Sailing Associates (UK)
LOSALevel of Service Agreement
LOSALakshmi Old Students Association (India)
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References in classic literature ?
"For you see," said the grocer, "you no catcha da work, I losa da mon'."
By combining all three proactive safety programs, we can utilize MFOQA to identify raw performance trends, ASAP to provide human factors and environmental context for daily lessons learned, and LOSA to provide further insight into organizational and culture factors that contribute to an effective flight safety program.
Marta Elena Losa Iglesias [1], Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo [2]
LOSA was developed by Texas University with support from the US Federal Aviation Administration and is recognised by aviation industry bodies ICAO and IATA.
Losa, Army chief surgeon, encourages Army personnel to 'maximize and avail the free services offered and to engage as much as possible with (our) healthcare personnel as the first step towards a wider and more comprehensive approach to health.'