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He was authorised to liaise with the KIADB by the BCCI...
We will liaise with Newcastle but he is with England.
Manor State, trained by Sean Devlin for Joe McArdle, got up late to win heat two by a neck and a short head from Dartfield Babe and Glencole in 42.62sec, while the other heat saw Hennessy enjoying a 1-2 as Michael Dunne's Gobstopper hold off Liaise With Lisa by a length in 42.30sec.
`'The committee is going to liaise with other village halls in the area to try to prevent the problem simply moving elsewhere."
Reporting to sales director, Doreen Pate, Graeme will liaise with external contractors as necessary.
The Secretary of the Task Force will work under the Employment and Social Affairs Directorate-General, which will also liaise with external stakeholders on behalf of the group.
"It Will be great that Sudbury's business community will have a college that can provide Web-based training for businesses and its employees, and the ability for them to liaise with its markets and consultants around the world," says Filion.
The Chinese Institute of Food Science & Technology (CIFST) and the Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) of the United Kingdom have announced that they formally recognise each other as Co-operating Societies, and each has appointed someone to liaise with the other.
'She was suffering from shock.' The scorpion was collected by the RSPCA, whose officers had to liaise with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Police officers have been sent to Scotland and Belfast to liaise with police forces on possible suspects for the shooting.
Health Secretary Frank Dobson wants local services to liaise in a bid to guarantee emergency care in the peak December-January period.