(redirected from In Honor Of)
Also found in: Idioms.
IHOInternational Hydrographic Organization
IHOIn Honor Of
IHOImpartial Hearing Officer
IHOInstitute of Human Origins (Arizona State University)
IHOImperial Hotel, Osaka (Osaka, Japan)
IHOIntermediate Home Office (various organizations)
IHOIntegrated Health Care Organization
IHOInorganic Halogen Oxidizer
IHOIndustrieverband Hygiene und Oberflächenschutz Für Industrielle und Institutionelle Anwendung eV (German industrial union of hygiene and surface protection for industrial and institutional application)
IHOImpeded Harmonic Oscillation
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References in periodicals archive ?
After his death, employees purchased the agency from the family and retained the McCormick name in honor of the founder Known for many years afterward as McCormick Advertising, the company returned to its original name, McCormick Company, at the beginning of 2001 to better accommodate the broad array of services it now offers.
The problem probably goes back to the French Revolution, whose bourgeois leaders sought to stamp out popular festivities--with all their drunkenness, gluttony, and supposedly lewd behavior--and replace them with carefully orchestrated ceremonies in honor of "Reason" or "the Supreme Being." It was in that revolution, with men like Robespierre, that the Leninist ideal of the unsmiling "professional revolutionary" was born--a type every bit as hostile to spontaneity and self-indulgence as the grimmest of the old Calvinist merchant class.