Lazarev et Akdim, de Mohamed Naciri (geographe), du directeur de l'INSAP, Omar Akerraz, et de l'archeologue espagnol Virgilio Enamorado Maryinez de l'universite de Malaga.
Quant aux archeologues de l'INSAP, ils doivent entreprendre des fouilles et analyser le materiel de construction, la porcelaine et la faience pour recueillir davantage d'eclaircissements sur la decouverte et en demeler l'echeveau.
INSAP is particularly special because it gives diverse enthusiasts a chance to interact free of peer pressure.
Positional astronomy flourished because of the needs of horoscope casters.) I left INSAP II confident that astronomy defines deeply all that we are.
They have a lower capacity and are less competitive than subsidiaries of MNCs which operate as Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL) with integrated services (INSAPS 2010; DTN 2012b).
Third, it has also been suggested that the government should accelerate structural reform and enhance the competitiveness of the industry by adjusting the domestic laws and regulations to facilitate fair competition between local small players and MNCs (DTN 2010; INSAPS 2010).