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IMITInstitute of Management and Information Technology (various locations)
IMITIronman in Training
IMITInformation Management Information Technology
IMITInternational Military Information Team (US DoD)
IMITInstitute of Musical Instrument Technology (Croydon, England, UK)
IMITInstitute of Medical Imaging Technology (est. 1979)
IMITInteroperability Management Information Tool
IMITInsured Municipal Income Trust (finance)
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Our goal in learning the perfect IMIT should be to maximize the therapeutic effect of the medication being delivered and to eliminate or minimize the complications and discomfort from IM injections.
The two primary programs at NIM where IMIT is used are the Couples Intensive program and the Marriage Intensive program.
Patents have historically been more effective in such industries as pharmaceuticals and chemicals, where the physical composition of patented products makes them difficult to imit ate without violating the patent.
It would also further reduce the risk of having to resort to disruptive pro-cyclical action to prevent the deficit l imit from being breached in the event of a sham correction to private saving emanating from the strong surge in indebtedness noted above.
Her cult of Goethe was an extraordinary mixture of social shrewdness, childlike reverence, and imit atio, since she saw his greatness significantly linked to hers.
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Samenanlagen und Samen der Amaryllidaceen imit Berucksichtigung des Wassergehaltes der Samen.
Sonata 1 2 3 I B needed vn harm/2-pt vn vn harm II B needed vn harm/2-pt vn vn harm III B needed vn harm/2-pt vn 2-pt imit (+B needed) IV B needed vn harm/2-pt vn vn harm V B needed vn harm/2-pt vn/WB B needed VI B needed vn harm/2-pt vn vn harm VII 2-pt imit B needed/vn harm B needed VIII 2-pt imit 2-pt imit WB IX 2-pt imit vn harm B needed X B needed some B needed some B needed XI WB/some B 2-pt imit B needed needed Movement no.
They'll save enough cash over the years that they'd have more than the PS15,240 adult cash ISA l A imit when they hit 18 (or whatever it is by then).
LIFE IMITA IMIT TES ATES A ART Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz star in new comedy film Sex Tape