IDFGIdaho Department of Fish and Game
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The area receives 25 to 127 cm annual precipitation, most of which falls as snow during autumn, winter, and spring (IDFG 2005).
* If patients are producing urine, make sure that their IDFG does not increase when you decrease their target weight.
fulfill its monitoring obligations under the ESA that IDFG claimed it
Dabbling ducks prefer shallow, ephemeral wetlands with emergent vegetation like the SWMA and several species of dabblers often use the SWMA (IDFG 2005).
We describe recent range expansion of moose, summarize IDFG harvest data, and provide a revised population estimate for Shiras moose in Idaho.
1998, Anonymous 2001), New Hampshire (Anonymous 1997), Utah (Anonymous 2000b), Colorado (Kufeld 1994), Wyoming (Wyoming Game and Fish Commission 1990, Hnilicka and Zornes 1994), Idaho (IDFG 1990, Leege 1990), Ontario (OMNR 1980), Quebec (MLCP 1993), Saskatchewan (Arsenault 2000), British Columbia (British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks 1996), Yukon (Yukon Renewable Resources 1996, 1999), and Alberta (Alberta Natural Resources draft pending).
Ground squirrels, with the exception of Federally listed species and the golden-mantled ground squirrel (Spermophilus lateralls), are classified as "unprotected wildlife" by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) and can be taken in any amounts and at any time by holders of the appropriate valid Idaho hunting, trapping or combination hunting licenses, provided such taking is not in violation of State, County, or city laws ordinances or regulations (IDFG 2000).
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) recently concluded that a drawdown to natural river flows "is the best biological choice for recovering [Snake River salmon]."(34) Permanent natural river drawdowns also could form the basis for settling substantial Indian water right claims that the Nez Perce Tribe and the federal government are litigating in Idaho's long-running Snake River Basin Adjudication,(35) as well as satisfy the bulk of Idaho's ESA obligations for Snake River salmon.(36)
House Majority Leader Mike Moyle and Senator Bert Brackett wanted to force IDFG to allow landowners to sell big-game tags, which are given to them as a show of appreciation for their stewardship.
National Marine Fisheries Service (IDFG).(100) In IDFG, the court held that the issuance of the 1995 Biological Opinion mooted a challenge to the 1993 Biological Opinion.