ICLSInterstate Common Line Support
ICLSIntegrated Crop-Livestock System (agriculture)
ICLSInternational Courtly Literature Society
ICLSInternational Conference on Learning Sciences
ICLSInternet Corporation Listing Service
ICLSInstitute of Cosmetic & Laser Surgery
ICLSInterim Contractor Logistics Support
ICLSInterchangeable Core Lock Systems (security)
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ICLs and the toric ICL (TCL) in particular, are highly effective in providing accurate refractive correction.
indirect ophthalmoscopy; this is especially important for myopic ICL
However, for those who look for options other than corneal based procedures, there are Implantable Collamer Lenses or simply ICLs. ICLs have actually opened up new vistas in refractive surgeries and provide a safe and effective option not only for correcting myopia but also for astigmatism, even in patients not eligible for LASIK.
[16] published a cumulative 12-year retrospective study, including data from 144 eyes implanted with the same pIOL model of implantable contact lenses (ICLs) between 1998 and 2001 and estimated a 6.46% surgically induced ECD decrease during the first year and an average yearly decrease rate of 1.20% after that.
Shaffer, "Press play: designing an epistemic game engine for journalism," in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS '06), pp.
He also expressed satisfaction with the kingdom's being granted the membership of IEA's General Assembly for its distinguished achievements in TIMSS, Pirls, LaNa and Icls. He also lauded the participation of Bahraini students from technical schools, the Bahrain Training Institute and Bahrain Polytechnic in the skills competition (WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017), held in the UAE, wishing them every success.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) (pp.
Maps of estimated inverse distance weighting of [pH.sub.water] (A); OM-g [kg.sup.-1] (B); CEC-[cmol.sub.c] [dm.sup.-3] (C); V% (D); P-mg [dm.sup.-3] (E); K-[cmol.sub.c] [dm.sup.-3] (F); clay-g [kg.sup.-1] (G); sand-g [kg.sup.-1] (H); and ECw-mS [m.sup.-1] (I) of a ICLS in Brazil
Many neuro-endocrinological factors, including intracranial lesions (ICLs), play a role in the aetiology of childhood obesity, which is a very common disease in our century.
[2] Jung, Ho Min, "ICLS: Intelligent cricket-based location tracking system using sensor fusion," in Proc.