(redirected from Henry Molaison)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
HM | Her/His Majesty |
HM | Heavy Metal |
HM | Health Monitoring |
HM | How Much |
HM | Hannah Montana (Disney Channel character) |
HM | Harvest Moon (video game by Natsume and Victor Interactive) |
HM | Half Marathon (race) |
HM | Headmaster |
HM | Herbal Medicine |
HM | Hospitality Management (various schools) |
HM | History in the Making |
HM | Honorable Mention (various organizations) |
HM | Hakuna Matata (Swahili: There Are No Worries) |
HM | Hennes & Mauritz |
HM | Haunted Mansion (Disney) |
HM | High Maintenance |
HM | Heard and McDonald Islands (ISO country code) |
HM | Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) |
HM | Hazardous Material |
HM | Horace Mann (various organizations) |
HM | Holistic Medicine |
HM | Hammer Mill |
HM | Homework Diary |
HM | Hindustan Motors |
HM | Hollow Metal |
HM | Hectometer |
HM | Harmonic Mean |
HM | Home Maker |
HM | Harmonic Motion |
HM | Horse's Mouth |
HM | Hidden Mickeys (in Disney theme parks) |
HM | Higher Mind (Sri Aurobindo, Indian Yogi and philosopher) |
HM | Hand Motion (ophthalmological test of visual acuity) |
HM | Hydraulic Machine (various companies) |
HM | Hinge Mount (various companies) |
HM | Hotel Management (various organizations) |
HM | Half Mirror |
HM | Houghton Mifflin Company |
HM | Air Seychelles (IATA airline code) |
HM | Highly Magnified |
HM | Henry Molaison (memory loss patient) |
HM | Human Milk |
HM | Hard Music |
HM | Hidden Machine (Pokémon) |
HM | History Module (Honeywell) |
HM | History Matters (educator resources website) |
HM | Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1971 to present) |
HM | Historia Mexicana |
HM | Holy Moley |
HM | Hoochie Mama |
HM | Holy Mackerel |
HM | Hotto Motto (Japanese fast food chain) |
HM | High Moment (chemistry) |
HM | Hokkaido Museum |
HM | Hug Me |
HM | Hey Mercedes (band) |
HM | Hindu Munnani (Tamil Nadu movement) |
HM | Heard & McDonald Islands (Kerguelen, Including Prince Edward & Crozetis Islands) |
HM | Hyperbolic Metamaterial |
HM | Helper Monkey |
HM | Heavy Magnum (ammunition) |
HM | Hiring Manager |
HM | Hold Model |
HM | Hot Metal |
HM | Handmaids of Mary |
HM | Hyperbaric Medicine |
HM | Haughton-Mars |
HM | Howling Mad (Murdock) |
HM | Horizontal Measure |
HM | Howler Monkey (wrestling) |
HM | Hare Majesteit (Her Majesty) |
HM | Hydromechanical |
HM | Hole Montes, Inc (Naples, FL) |
HM | Herrschende Meinung (German: prevailing opinion; legal) |
HM | Humanist Manifesto (ideology) |
HM | Hôpital Militaire |
HM | Hydrogen Maser |
HM | Hans/Hennes Majestät (Swedish: His/Her Majesty) |
HM | Horizontal Multiplier (NIOSH) |
HM | Hamilton Sector (Lester B. Pearson International Airport; Canada) |
HM | Heavens Metal (Magazine) |
HM | Hardness Maintenance |
HM | Hotel Margherita (Isle of Capri, Italy) |
HM | Hybrid Magnetic |
HM | Hayakawa Mystery (Japanese book series) |
HM | Hippie Maffia |
HM | Hydrogen Monitor |
HM | Hum Modulation |
HM | Hectameter |
HM | Halo Messenger (website) |
HM | (USN Rating) Hospital Corpsman |
HM | Haptic Modeler (Surface Model Level Navigation) |
HM | Honesta Matrona (Latin: Virtuous Lady, epigraphy) |
HM | Hunter Mountain Ski Slope |
HM | Horner Museum (Oregon State University) |
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