ambliyopi tanisini koymak icin onerilen yardimci testler Fonksiyon Onerilen test Bakilacak kriter Gorme Yeni dogan-2 yas Fiksasyon Zayif fiksasyon ve takip 3 yas ve uzeri Snellen eseli, 3-5 yas; 20/40'dan az gorme
HOTV, E eseli, ya da iki goz arasinda 2 resimli eseller siradan fazla fark olmasi 6 yas ve uzeri; 20/30'dan az gorme ya da iki goz arasinda 2 siradan fazla fark Okuler hizalama 3 metreden Herhangi bir goz hareketi ortme-acma testi Bruckner testi Pupil reflesinde asimetri Media kesafeti Kirmizi refle Refle alinamamasi, beyaz pupil Fonksiyon Yorum Gorme Yeni dogan-2 yas 3 yas ve uzeri 3-5 yas icin E ya da
HOTV eseli, 6 yasindan sonra Snellen eseli muayene icin daha uygundur.
To determine the optimal optotype set for use with children, we used three optotype sets (Lea, HOTV, and ETDRS); for subjects aged 3 to 6 years, we used both Lea symbols and HOTV optotypes, and for subjects aged 7 to 12 years, we completed tests using all three optotypes.
To evaluate agreement between acuity scores based on different optotypes and tests, we computed ICCs between the pairs of measures (Lea, HOTV, ETDRS) within each age group and collapsed across age groups.
For SVA testing, children 3 to 4 years old more successfully completed the test using the Lea optotypes instead of the HOTV optotypes.
The Hansen Oil Temperature Valve (
HOTV) is a three-way valve used to accurately control the oil temperature of screw compressors or other oil-cooling circuits within appropriate design parameters.