HIIKHeidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung eV (German: Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research)
HIIKHell If I Know
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UCDP counts 156, HIIK 161, and Ploughshares 159 (see Table 1).
The rate of agreement between pairs of datasets is higher, with UCDP and HIIK agreeing 50.9 per cent of the time, HIIK and Ploughshares agreeing 57.1 per cent of the time, and UCDP and Ploughshares agreeing 64 per cent of the time.
HIIK's qualitative intensity-level threshold accounted for the most variations by far, as HIIK recorded 96 conflict observations not listed by the other two projects.
UCDP's requirement that a conflict involve at least one state actor and Ploughshares' and HIIK's inclusion of conflicts that may not involve a state actor accounted for 35 cases of disagreement.
Another peculiar case was that of Mexico, which was recorded only by HIIK. Mexico was excluded by UCDP because this drug-related conflict does not directly include a state actor.
(3) For example, in 2004 HIIK listed three "severe crises" in Colombia, while UCDP and Ploughshares counted only one.
A broad educational purpose and varied audience have shaped the form that the ACR has taken, while different objectives, audiences, and theoretical commitments have also shaped the projects of UCDP and HIIK.