The study by Zitek and
Hebl discussed previously found that people were more strongly influenced by communications about ambiguous norms than well-established norms.
(165) See Griffith &
Hebl, supra note 163, at 1197 ("The present results have implications for the recruitment of qualified gay and lesbian candidates....
In fact, research has shown these do affect SET responses, often significantly (Basow; Basow, Phelan, and Capotosto; Basow, Codos, and Martin; Bavishi,
Hebl, and Madera; Reid; Sprague and Massoni).
Griffith and
Hebl (2002) argued that organizations wishing to attract and retain LGBT employees should have structural models indicating that representation is already present and that organizational support exists to encourage LGBT representation.
(73.) See Andrew
Hebl, Spoliation of Electronically Stored Information, Good Faith, and Rule 37(e), 29 N.
In addition to the six articles noted previously, a meta-analysis using electronic databases compared fall rates after major lower-extremity orthopedic surgery when patients received a continuous lumbar plexus blockade, noncontinuous blockade, or no blockade (Johnson, Kopp,
Hebl, Erwin, & Mantilla, 2013).
It lays down the groundwork." A prior study found that Black professors (both men and women) tend to be judged as significantly less competent and legitimate than White and Asian-American professors--and were seen as having fewer interpersonal skills than Whites (Bavishi, Madera &
Hebl, 2010).
Hebl, and Martin (2009) found that women were more likely to be described in terms of communal adjectives (e.g., agreeable, sensitive, helpful), men in terms of agentic adjectives (e.g., directive, competent, independent), and that communal adjectives negatively correlated with hiring decisions.
If she has acknowledged both the internal and external stigma of her disability, there is an opportunity to promote discussion, which may help the partner to share her fears regarding the disability, enhancing the couple's establishment of the relationship (
Hebl & Kleck, 2002).