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GEDTests of General Educational Development (trademark of American Council on Education; Washington, DC)
GEDGestion Electronique de Documents (French: Electronic Document Management)
GEDGouvernement En Direct (French; Canada)
GEDGender Equality in Development
GEDGender Equity and Diversity
GEDGraphics Editor
GEDGenealogical Data
GEDGestione Elettronica Documentale (Italian: Electronic Document Management)
GEDGraduated Electronic Decelerator (shock behavior device)
GEDGood Enough Diploma
GEDGestione Elettronica dei Documenti
GEDGeneralized Error Distribution
GEDGit Er Done
GEDGasoline Engine Driven
GEDGeneral Engineering Degree
GEDGeneric Event Dispatcher
GEDGlobal Equity Derivatives
GEDGlobal Element Declaration
GEDGlobal Element Declaration (web services definition language)
GEDGlobal Electrodynamics
GEDGerman Emergency Doctors
GEDGallons per Employee per Day
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GEDGlobal Event Detector
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Pipeliner 200D is the diesel version of the Pipeliner 200G gasoline engine driven welder and is similar to the older SA-200 and Classic I gasoline-engine-driven welders made years, many of which are still in use today.