RNA-Seq analysis revealed significant upregulation of CALDN4 (FC: 2.02), UBD (FC: 3.59), IFGBP2 (FC: 2.02), GAS1 (FC: 2.32), ORM1 (FC: 2.02), and SMPD3 (FC: 2.20).
The genes GAS1 (FC: 2.33), CLDN4 (FC: 2.02), ORM1 (FC: 2.34), and UBD (FC: 2.34), which are recognized as some of most potent inflammatory markers, were found to be significantly upregulated in the livers of mycotoxin-treated groups.
***p= < 0.001; Abbreviations: AR-androgen receptor, VP=ventral prostates, DLP=dorsolateral prostate, DHT=dihydrotestosterone Clu-clusterin, ODC=ornithine decarboxylase, OAZ= ornithine decarboxylase antizyme, AdoMetDC=ade-nosylmethionine decarboxylase, SSAT=spermidine/spermine N1-actetyl-transferase, H3 = histone H3,
Gas1 = growth arrest specific gene 1, GAPDH = glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, CLU =clusterin.
The results reveal a highly stereotypic pattern of response to IR in human diploid fibroblasts that reflects primarily synchronization behind the [G.sub.1] checkpoint but with prominent induction of additional markers of [G.sub.0] quiescence such as
GAS1. Key words: cell cycle checkpoints, DNA damage, gene expression, human fibroblasts, ionizing radiation, microarray.
Similarly, on chromosome 13 is a growth-arrest-specific-1 (
Gas1) locus that is very near that for a QTL affecting DA in M7, M9, and M10.
Expression of miR-34 is enhanced in DN and miR-34 induces MC proliferation by targeting
GAS1 [69].