(redirected from Federated Co-Operatives Ltd.)
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FCLFull Container Load
FCLFacility (Security) Clearance
FCLFrasers Centrepoint Limited (real eastate investment company)
FCLFramework Class Library (Microsoft .NET)
FCLFortran Compiler for Linux
FCLFedora Core Linux
FCLFoundation Class Library
FCLFedora Core Legacy
FCLFramework Class Library
FCLFree Component Library
FCLForeclosure (also seen as FC)
FCLFlexible Credit Line (International Monetary Fund)
FCLFederated Co-Operatives Ltd. (Canada)
FCLFootball Club Lourdais (French football club)
FCLFault Current Limiter
FCLFédération Cynologique Luxembourgeoise (French: Luxembourg Kennel Federation; Luxembourg)
FCLFonds de Création Lyrique (French: Lyric Creation Fund)
FCLFoundation Class Library (computing)
FCLFibroblast Cell Line (immunology)
FCLForecastle (ship's hull)
FCLFort Canning Lodge (Young Women's Christian Association; Singapore)
FCLFirst Class Letter (USPS)
FCLFuture Concept Lab (Italy)
FCLFree-Choice Learning (education)
FCLFamily Community Leadership (various organizations)
FCLFootball Club du Layon (French football club)
FCLFoyer Culture Loisirs (French recreation association)
FCLFacsimile Command Language (RightFax)
FCLFootball Club Libourne (French football club)
FCLFootball Club de Lorient (French soccer team)
FCLFibre Channel Loop
FCLFreon Coolant Loop
FCLFuel Cell Laboratory (various organizations)
FCLFinancial Component of Liabilities (insurance)
FCLFeedback Control Loop
FCLFussball Club Luzern (Swiss soccer club)
FCLFootball Club Lézignanais (French football club)
FCLFootball Club Laurentin (French football club)
FCLFarm Credit Leasing Services Corporation (Minneapolis, MN; also seen as FCLSC)
FCLFlorida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc.
FCLForward Collision Alert (vehicle feature)
FCLFramingham Civic League (Framingham, MA)
FCLFinished Ceiling Level (architectural notation)
FCLFree Convective Layer (atmospheric science)
FCLFramework Command Line
FCLFuture Civic Leaders (Washington, DC; est. 2009)
FCLFailure Count - Line (Telabs)
FCLFerrite-Coupled Line
FCLFraternity, Charity and Loyalty (Grand Army of the Republic)
FCLFootball Club Lugano (Swiss soccer club)
FCLFORTRAN Command Language
FCLFire Coordination Line
FCLFoster Care Link (UK)
FCLFetch Command Load
FCLFoldback Current Limiter (electronics)
FCLFetal Calf Ligament
FCLFast Carry Logic
FCLFoundation Computer Lab (computer skills class)
FCLFuze Cavity Liner
FCLFlight Clearance Letter
FCLFeature Code Library (Trimble Corporation)
FCLFussballclub Locarno (Swiss soccer club)
FCLFunctional Capability List
FCLFull Camera Link (Farbversion)
FCLForeign Civil Litigation
FCLFylde Community Link (UK charitable organization)
Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Federated Co-operatives Ltd., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, redesigned the packaging for its Co-Op Gold Pure Apricot Jam.
The farm economy in the West has been healthy over the past couple of years, and farm and hardware retailer Federated Co-operatives Ltd. has amassed a war chest and is looking for acquisitions.
Overwaitea Food Group will buy 15 grocery stores in British Columbia and Alberta, Sobeys said, and Federated Co-operatives Ltd. has agreed to buy 14 stores in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Federated Co-operatives Ltd. (FCL) was the top Canadian non-financial cooperative (based on revenue) for the tenth consecutive year.
Federated Co-operatives Ltd., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, introduced Co-Op Gold Sweet & Salty Kettle Popcorn.
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