(redirected from Fan Blade Off)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
FBO | Federal Business Opportunities |
FBO | Fixed Base Operator |
FBO | FedBizOpps (formerly Commerce Business Daily) |
FBO | Fixed Base Operation |
FBO | For the Benefit Of (finance) |
FBO | Framebuffer Object (digital imaging tool) |
FBO | Faith Based Organization |
FBO | Facilities Based Operator |
FBO | First Byte Offset |
FBO | File Backout Table |
FBO | Frame Buffer Object |
FBO | For Benefit Of |
FBO | Fixed-Based Operator (aviation, commercial) |
FBO | Flagstaff Biking Organization (Flagstaff, AZ) |
FBO | Finance & Business Operations (various locations) |
FBO | Food Business Operator |
FBO | Facilities-Based Operator |
FBO | Film Booking Offices of America (New York, NY) |
FBO | Foreign Buildings Operations |
FBO | Fictional Battle Omniverse |
FBO | Field Botanists of Ontario (Ontario, Canada) |
FBO | Facilities Business Office (various schools) |
FBO | Full Body Orgasm (Reichian psychology) |
FBO | Foreign Banking Organization (finance) |
FBO | Flag Banking Officer (Church of Scientology) |
FBO | Facebook Official (internet slang) |
FBO | Foreign Buildings Office |
FBO | Fecal Body Odor (website) |
FBO | Fan Blade Off (aircraft) |
FBO | Furnished by Others (construction bidding) |
FBO | Family Buy Out |
FBO | Foreign Body Obstruction |
FBO | Furnished by Owner (construction bidding) |
FBO | Farmer Based Organisation |
FBO | For Best Offer (classified ads) |
FBO | For Brokers Only (insurance) |
FBO | Failing Better Offer |
FBO | Final Biological Opinion |
FBO | Fixed Buyout (certificate) |
FBO | Friendly by Origin |
FBO | Fly-By-Optics |
FBO | Finance Business Office (IBM) |
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