(redirected from En Plan Travesti)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
EPT | European Poker Tour |
EPT | Éducation Pour Tous |
EPT | English Placement Test |
EPT | Easy Pool Tutor (billiards) |
EPT | Expedited Partner Therapy (US CDC) |
EPT | Early Pregnancy Test |
EPT | École Polytechnique de Tunisie (French: Polytechnic School of Tunisia) |
EPT | Edwin'S Power Tools |
EPT | External Properties Table |
EPT | Extended Page Table |
EPT | Encapsulated Postscript with Tiff |
EPT | Embedded Points |
EPT | Edit Partition Table |
EPT | El Paso, Texas (border patrol sector) |
EPT | Estudio de Precios de Transferencia (Spanish: Study of Transfer Prices; Guatemala) |
EPT | Environmental Policy and Technology (project) |
EPT | Electromagnetic Propagation |
EPT | Estrogen and Progestin Therapy (menopause relief) |
EPT | Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera |
EPT | Electric Power Technologies (est.1982; Hudson, MA) |
EPT | Exploration and Production Technology (various locations) |
EPT | Electronic Payment Terminal |
EPT | Error Proof Test (over the counter pregnancy test product) |
EPT | External Proficiency Testing (laboratory quality control) |
EPT | Environmental Political Theory |
EPT | Evaluation Project Team (various organizations) |
EPT | Empire of the Petal Throne (fantasy role-playing game) |
EPT | Ethylene Propylene Terpolymer |
EPT | Engine and Powertrain (engineering) |
EPT | Ectopic Pregnancy Trust (Uxbridge, UK |
EPT | Equipment Performance Tracking |
EPT | Earliest Possible Time |
EPT | Excess Profits Tax |
EPT | Enteric Pathogen Transport |
EPT | Eastern Prevailing Time |
EPT | Electrical Plastic Tubing |
EPT | En Plan Travesti (Spanish) |
EPT | Essential Portfolio Theory (investing) |
EPT | Electric Pulp Test (endodontics) |
EPT | Enterprise Profit Tax |
EPT | Emergency Procedures Training |
EPT | Egress Procedures Trainer |
EPT | Educational Philosophy and Theory |
EPT | Enterprise Process Team |
EPT | Electrical Product Team |
EPT | Electronic Power Transfer (construction) |
EPT | Engineering Process Team |
EPT | Estatus de Protección Temporal (Spanish) |
EPT | Experimental Prototype Test |
EPT | Environment Protection Toilet |
EPT | Evoked Potential Technologist |
EPT | Evolutionary Personality Theory |
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