(redirected from Eastern Federal Lands)
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EFLEnglish as a Foreign Language
EFLEducation for Life (various organizations)
EFLEuropejski Fundusz Leasingowy (Polish: European Leasing Fund)
EFLEmitter Follower Logic
EFLEquivalent Focal Length
EFLEmpty Formal List
EFLEvent Format Library
EFLEffective Focal Length
EFLEastern Federal Lands
EFLEnvironments for Living
EFLEuropean Football League (rugby)
EFLExternal Financing Limit (UK)
EFLEight Foot Llama (games)
EFLEmitter-Follower Logic
EFLElectricity Facts Label (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
EFLEnglish Football League
EFLExtrait Foliaire de Luzerne (French: Extract of Alfalfa Foliar)
EFLEmail Forwarding for Life (various schools)
EFLEnvironmental Foundation Limited (Sri Lanka)
EFLEdited for Length
EFLEmergency Flare Launcher
EFLEureka Forbes Limited
EFLEntry Flight Level
EFLEstablished Financial Limit
EFLElectrical Flying Lead
EFLEntreprise Filière Lunetière (French eyewear company)
EFLElectronic Foot Locker
EFLExtended Free List
EFLEnvironmental Fund for Lebanon Project
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References in periodicals archive ?
"During the preliminary design, the engineers were planning to use spandrel columns on top of the arches to support the superstructure," says Hratch "Rich" Pakhchanian, a bridge engineer with the Office of Bridges and Structures headquartered at FHWA's Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division.
shifflett, P.E., L.S., is a project manager with FHWA's Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division.
Schmidt, P.E., is a construction project engineer with FHWA's Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division.
Lloyd Middleton is construction operations engineer at the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Eastern Federal Lands Construction Division in Sevierville, TN.
Mitch King is project engineer at FHWA's Eastern Federal Lands Construction Division and oversaw the parkway project.
Paul Schneider, John Seabrook, and myself, all with FHWA's Eastern Federal Lands High Division's (EFLHD) Location Branch, showed them a dozen different options--using different bridge colors and types.
Recently FHWA's Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division carried out a simulation for several congressmen, involving a proposed tunnel for a section of E Street, which runs along the White House's south side.
AHDT was joined in this effort by the Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the U.S.
Lineman is the division materials engineer for the Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division.
Other members of the Extended STDT are Ken Archuleta, Region 7; Jim Bush, Vermont Division; Rick Drumm, Illinois Division; Dennis Dvorak, Kansas Division; Lester Frank, Arkansas Division; Lee Gallivan, Indiana Division; Roger Hoovestol, North Dakota Division; Bernie Kuta, Region 4; Jeff Lewis, California Division; David Law, South Carolina Division; Brad Neitzke, Western Federal Lands; Greg Schiess, Florida Division; Jean Sexton, Pennsylvania Division; Jose Torres, Puerto Rico Division; Marcel Vivier, Eastern Federal Lands; and Mark Zitzka, Montana Division.
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