EUBAM Rafah maintains readiness to redeploy to the Rafah crossing point when the security and political situations will allow," said Mohammad Al-Saadi, press officer for the EU Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support.
The Council of the European Union extended until August 21, 2017, the mandate of
EUBAM Libya, the civilian mission under the auspices of the Union's CSDP, to assist Libyan authorities in improving the security of the country's borders.
The case of
EUBAM in Libya well illustrates the deficits.
EUBAM Libya is a civilian mission under the EU's Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) and designed to support Libyan authorities in improving and developing the security of the country's borders.
EUBAM was set up in late 2005 between Moldova's border with Ukraine, and works to monitor trade involving Ukraine and Moldova, including to a substantial degree the latter's breakaway region of Transnistria.
EUBAM est le resultat de discussions approfondies entre l'UE et les autorites libyennes concernant les besoins et les priorites du pays en vue d'ameliorer la gestion et la securite des 4.348 km de frontieres terrestres et des 1.770 km de littoral de la Libye.
The European Union, through its mission of assistance at the Moldavian-Ukrainian border,
EUBAM, started on December, 1st, 2005, made use of the following resources, in figures: budget--44.2 million [euro](December 2005-November 2009), 12 million [euro] (December 2009-November 2010), over 450 persons involved, all the EU states (excepting Ireland, Luxemburg, Malta, Spain and Sweden) plus Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.
In the Fall of 2005, it was established the opening of an EU Border Assistance Mission (
EUBAM) at the eastern border of Moldova (the Transnistrian segment) with Ukraine.
Bu anlamda, Moldova ve Ukrayna arasindaki Sinir Destek Misyonu (
EUBAM, EU Border Assistance Mission) Birligin gozlemciliginde kurulmus, Birlik Filistin'deki Refah kapisinda insanlarin ve mesru mallarin gecisinde gozlemcilik gorevi ustlenmis ve Ortadogu Baris Surecine katki saglamaya calismistir.
In response to Moldova's call for international monitoring of the border, in December 2005 the EU dispatched a Border Assistance Mission (
EUBAM) to help stem the flow of illegal trade across the eastern border with Ukraine.
The EU Border Assistance Mission (
EUBAM), which has 200 staff along the 1,222 km border with Ukraine and Transnistria, has also aided Moldova in bolstering its borders.
European Union Border Assistance to Moldova and Ukraine (2006)
EUBAM Annual Report.