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ENSAEnterprise Network Storage Architecture
ENSAEcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture (French)
ENSAÉcole Nationale Supérieure d'Art (French: National School of High Art)
ENSAEnterprise Network Storage Architecture (Compaq)
ENSAÉcole Nationale Supérieure des Armées (French military school; Benin)
ENSAEntertainments National Service Association (WWII-era UK organization)
ENSAEuropean Neutron Scattering Association
ENSAEastern Nebraska Soccer Association (Omaha, NE)
ENSAEcole National Supérieur d'Agronomie
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References in periodicals archive ?
Ensa Cosby, daughter of comedian Bill Cosby, passed away from renal disease on the evening of February 23.
According to TMZ, Ensa Cosby died from renal disease on Friday night.
In addition, Mr Batshu said the ENSA programme has supported the NGO Council in the designing of the Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Fund whose main objective was to avail resources to leverage the civil society/government partnership in the national development process.
The reader will learn something about ENSA's organization, its recruitment of entertainers, and its rivalries with competing organizations, as well as the personalities of its leading figures, particularly the autocratic and womanizing Dean.
He decided that if he couldn't fight then he would entertain the troops instead - so auditioned for Ensa.
A few weeks later on May 14, six days after fighting in Europe ended, Wyn sailed to France with an ENSA troupe to entertain allied soldiers in newly liberated France, Holland and Belgium and into newly defeated Germany.
Innovari, an interactive energy platform developer has signed a contract with ENSA, a subsidiary of the EPM Group.
Now experts from top French ski academy ENSA have conducted a fresh safety examination of his equipment.
Experts from French ski academy Ensa are doing tests to check whether the headcam made the impact worse.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-January 21, 2014-Standard Chartered opens subsidiary in Angola with ENSA
Il s'agit de Mohamed Ouakrim nomme au poste de directeur de l'Ecole nationale des sciences appliquees (ENSA) d'Agadir et de Hassan Sahbi au poste de doyen de la faculte des sciences de Meknes, a indique le ministre de la Communication, porte-parole du gouvernement, Mustpha El Khalfi, dans un communique lu lors d'un point de presse a l'issue du Conseil.