(redirected from Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology)
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DICEDNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises (TV show)
DICEDashboard Integrated Central Electronics
DICEData Processing Independent Consultants Exchange
DICEDolby'S Interactive Content Encoding
DICEDynamic Internet Configuration Environment
DICEDynamic Internet Collaboration Environment
DICEDurrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom)
DICEDynamic Ionosphere Cubesat Experiment (satellite scientific mission)
DICEDesign, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain (game developers' conference)
DICEData-Intensive Computing Environment
DICEDARPA Initiative in Concurrent Engineering
DICEDynamic Integrated Model of Climate and the Economy
DICEDiabetes in Canada Evaluation
DICEDanube Integrated Circuit Engineering GmbH & Co. (Linz, Austria)
DICEDelivering Information in a Cellular Environment
DICEDepartment of Defense Interoperability Communications Exercise (US DoD)
DICEDefensive Information to Counter Espionage
DICEDistributed Information Warfare Constructive Environment
DICEDigital Image Correction Enhancement (scanner)
DICEDistributed Interactive C31 Effectiveness (simulation program)
DICEDashboard Integrated Control Electronics (Saab)
DICEDigital Interface Countermeasures Equipment
DICEDeployed Interoperability Communications Exercise
DICEDillon's Integrated C Environment (C compiler for Amiga)
DICEData Integration & Collection Environment
DICEDestroyed in a Colored Environment (hip hop artist)
DICEDeployable Independent Communications Element
DICEData Integration, Collation and Export (multiple data source aggregation environment)
DICEDiscipline Choice in Engineering
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References in periodicals archive ?
Not necessarily, says Dr Helen Newing, professor of conservation and tourism at Kent University's Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology. ""It all depends on how the tourism is being run and how severe the threats to conservation are, as the choice that many governments face is tourism versus other kinds of use.
The man largely responsible for setting up the Peru project is Dr Richard Bodmer, a British ecology expert from the University of Kent and the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE).
of Cambridge, UK), and Smith (Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, U.