(redirected from Draconian Empire)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
DE | Germany (Deutschland; Internet top level domain) |
DE | Delaware (US postal abbreviation) |
DE | Desktop Environment |
DE | Deutsch (German) |
DE | Deutschland (German: Germany) |
DE | Dead End |
DE | Data Engineering |
DE | Dark Energy |
DE | Driver Education |
DE | Desert Eagle |
DE | Data Entry |
DE | Diesel Engine |
DE | Diesel-Electric |
DE | Director of Education |
DE | Digital Electronics |
DE | Derby (postcode, UK) |
DE | Development Engineer |
DE | Data Element |
DE | Design Engineer |
DE | Double Ended (metal halide lamps) |
DE | Deus Ex (game) |
DE | Defensive End (football) |
DE | Distance Education (course; various schools) |
DE | Destroyer Escort |
DE | Differential Equation(s) |
DE | Department of Education (US) |
DE | Digital Environment |
DE | Discrete Event (program specification) |
DE | Directed Energy |
DE | Double Edge (shaving) |
DE | Dale Earnhardt |
DE | Dark Elf |
DE | Diesel Exhaust |
DE | Detonation |
DE | This is / From (Amateur Radio logging abbreviation) |
DE | Drive End |
DE | Detection Efficiency |
DE | Digital Engineering |
DE | Density Evolution |
DE | Distinguished Engineer (various organizations) |
DE | Diplôme d'Etat (French: state diploma) |
DE | Dail Eireann (Irish National Parliament) |
DE | Donor Egg (infertility; refers to IVF) |
DE | Diatomaceous Earth (filter) |
DE | District Engineer |
DE | Dose Equivalent |
DE | Donee (IRB) |
DE | District Executive |
DE | Daily Egyptian (student newspaper; Carbondale, IL) |
DE | Directed Evolution |
DE | Dragon Empires (game) |
DE | Delayed Extraction |
DE | Design Estimate |
DE | Death Eater (Harry Potter) |
DE | Disenchant (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
DE | Delay Equalizer (US DoD) |
DE | Depth Electrode |
DE | Dark Eldar |
DE | Developer Evangelist (Microsoft) |
DE | Domain Engineering |
DE | Display Element |
DE | Data Exclusivity |
DE | Distinguished Editor (Institute of Professional Editors) |
DE | Digital Empire |
DE | Digital Encoder |
DE | Doctor of Engineering |
DE | Decentralized Execution (US DoD) |
DE | Distant End (satellite communications) |
DE | Dedicated Equipment |
DE | Defense Emergency |
DE | Delegated Examining |
DE | Distribution Engineering |
DE | Dry End |
DE | Debugging Extension (computing) |
DE | Destruction Efficiency |
DE | Data Encoder |
DE | Dictation Equipment |
DE | Device End |
DE | Defense Enterprise (GIG) |
DE | Divisional Engineer |
DE | Deep Etch |
DE | Discard Eligibility (ATM) |
DE | Darkness Eternal (website) |
DE | Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether |
DE | Dynamics Explorer |
DE | Development Ephemeris (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) |
DE | degree of esterification |
DE | Designated Examiner |
DE | Development Estimate |
DE | Discipline Engineer |
DE | Digital Exploitation |
DE | Decision Element |
DE | Designated Engineer |
DE | Digital Enclosure |
DE | Display Entity |
DE | Individual Drift Error (US DoD) |
DE | Damage Expectancy |
DE | Doppler Extractor (US NASA) |
DE | Draconian Empire (gaming) |
DE | Dissemination Element |
DE | Condor Flugdienst GmbH, Germany (IATA airline code) |
DE | Divisions Exercise |
DE | Division/District Engineer (Army Corps of Engineers) |
DE | Disposable Excess |
DE | Drums Equivalent |
DE | Total Drift error |
DE | Deployment Echelon |
DE | Assault Personnel Destroyer |
DE | DCS/Engineering & Services |
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