(redirected from Draconian Empire)
Category filter:
DEGermany (Deutschland; Internet top level domain)
DEDelaware (US postal abbreviation)
DEDesktop Environment
DEDeutsch (German)
DEDeutschland (German: Germany)
DEDead End
DEData Engineering
DEDark Energy
DEDriver Education
DEDesert Eagle
DEData Entry
DEDiesel Engine
DEDirector of Education
DEDigital Electronics
DEDerby (postcode, UK)
DEDevelopment Engineer
DEData Element
DEDesign Engineer
DEDouble Ended (metal halide lamps)
DEDeus Ex (game)
DEDefensive End (football)
DEDistance Education (course; various schools)
DEDestroyer Escort
DEDifferential Equation(s)
DEDepartment of Education (US)
DEDigital Environment
DEDiscrete Event (program specification)
DEDirected Energy
DEDouble Edge (shaving)
DEDale Earnhardt
DEDark Elf
DEDiesel Exhaust
DEThis is / From (Amateur Radio logging abbreviation)
DEDrive End
DEDetection Efficiency
DEDigital Engineering
DEDensity Evolution
DEDistinguished Engineer (various organizations)
DEDiplôme d'Etat (French: state diploma)
DEDail Eireann (Irish National Parliament)
DEDonor Egg (infertility; refers to IVF)
DEDiatomaceous Earth (filter)
DEDistrict Engineer
DEDose Equivalent
DEDonee (IRB)
DEDistrict Executive
DEDaily Egyptian (student newspaper; Carbondale, IL)
DEDirected Evolution
DEDragon Empires (game)
DEDelayed Extraction
DEDesign Estimate
DEDeath Eater (Harry Potter)
DEDisenchant (gaming, World of Warcraft)
DEDelay Equalizer (US DoD)
DEDepth Electrode
DEDark Eldar
DEDeveloper Evangelist (Microsoft)
DEDomain Engineering
DEDisplay Element
DEData Exclusivity
DEDistinguished Editor (Institute of Professional Editors)
DEDigital Empire
DEDigital Encoder
DEDoctor of Engineering
DEDecentralized Execution (US DoD)
DEDistant End (satellite communications)
DEDedicated Equipment
DEDefense Emergency
DEDelegated Examining
DEDistribution Engineering
DEDry End
DEDebugging Extension (computing)
DEDestruction Efficiency
DEData Encoder
DEDictation Equipment
DEDevice End
DEDefense Enterprise (GIG)
DEDivisional Engineer
DEDeep Etch
DEDiscard Eligibility (ATM)
DEDarkness Eternal (website)
DEDiethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether
DEDynamics Explorer
DEDevelopment Ephemeris (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
DEdegree of esterification
DEDesignated Examiner
DEDevelopment Estimate
DEDiscipline Engineer
DEDigital Exploitation
DEDecision Element
DEDesignated Engineer
DEDigital Enclosure
DEDisplay Entity
DEIndividual Drift Error (US DoD)
DEDamage Expectancy
DEDoppler Extractor (US NASA)
DEDraconian Empire (gaming)
DEDissemination Element
DECondor Flugdienst GmbH, Germany (IATA airline code)
DEDivisions Exercise
DEDivision/District Engineer (Army Corps of Engineers)
DEDisposable Excess
DEDrums Equivalent
DETotal Drift error
DEDeployment Echelon
DEAssault Personnel Destroyer
DEDCS/Engineering & Services
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