For leader AUV ([??] = HX - [Y.sub.d]) and follower AUVs ([??] = HX - [Y.sub.df]) [Y.sub.d] is the
desired track chosen.
Radar tracking data indicate the airplane made a slight left turn for an on-course heading to FXE, then made a right turn of approximately 100 degrees away from the
desired track. At 2223, radar data showed the airplane at 2400 feet msl.
An RS232 feed between virtually any general aviation panel-mounted GPS navigator allows the AT300 to display position,
desired track, distance and estimated time to waypoint, the waypoint identifier and groundspeed.
An aircraft will approach the
desired track if the angular error (CDI deflection) remains constant.
In this instance, the airplane's track is roughly 166 degrees, while the
desired track is approximately 145 degrees.
Ground speed, wind speed, heading and
desired trackAbout 11 miles from KLWB, on the
desired track of 043 degrees
Track (TRK), bearing (BRG), and
desired track (DTK) are often confused by pilots.
The track value should equal the magnetic course from a chart, the
desired track from your flight plan, or the bearing to the next waypoint.
The magenta course line will rotate on the moving map and the
desired track field on the GPS (DTK) will change.
Funny thing is that often a similar discrepancy exists between the GPS
desired track between two VORs and the magnetic course for the airway printed on the chart.