(redirected from Delivery Interest Point)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
DIP | Dual Inline Package |
DIP | Diploma |
DIP | Day in Pictures |
DIP | Debtor In Possession |
DIP | Department of Infrastructure and Planning (Queensland, Australia) |
DIP | Département de l'Instruction Publique (French: Department of Public Instruction; Switzerland) |
DIP | Digital Image Processing |
DIP | Department of Industrial Promotion (Thailand) |
DIP | Debt Issuance Programme (various locations) |
DIP | Distal Interphalangeal (medical) |
DIP | Ductile Iron Pipe |
DIP | Data Information and Process |
DIP | Dialup Ip Protocol |
DIP | Data Interchange Program |
DIP | Dynamic Ip |
DIP | Display Input Processor |
DIP | Direct Ip |
DIP | Display Interface Processing |
DIP | Destination Ip |
DIP | Dial Internet Provider |
DIP | Delivery Interest Point |
DIP | Database of Interacting Proteins |
DIP | Diplexer |
DIP | Data Integration Project (various organizations) |
DIP | Directory Integration Platform (Oracle) |
DIP | Dependency Inversion Principle |
DIP | Document Image Processing |
DIP | Document d'Information Précontractuelle (French: Pre-Contractual information Document) |
DIP | Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia |
DIP | Drunk in Public |
DIP | Dissemination Information Package |
DIP | Detailed Implementation Plan |
DIP | Disability Income Plan (various locations) |
DIP | Driver Improvement Program |
DIP | Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus |
DIP | Data, Information, and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services |
DIP | Day Intensive Program (New York, NY) |
DIP | Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism |
DIP | Degradable Intake Protein (animal science) |
DIP | Difference In Pay |
DIP | Drugs Intervention Programme (UK) |
DIP | Defence Industrial Policy (UK) |
DIP | Diagnostic Imaging Program (biomedicine) |
DIP | Die in Place (slang for order to hold ground even if attacked by overwhelming force) |
DIP | Dividend Investment Plan |
DIP | Dirección de Incidencia Pública (Spanish: Department of Public Advocacy; Guatemala) |
DIP | Dolphin Interaction Program (various organizations) |
DIP | Digital Inclusion Project |
DIP | Dual Inline Pin |
DIP | Ducrocq Ingénierie Process (French: Ducrocq Engineering Process) |
DIP | Distal Interphalangeal Predominant (arthritis) |
DIP | Discover Intensive Phonics |
DIP | Dominant Interferer Proportion |
DIP | Distributed Immersive Performance (musical collaboration) |
DIP | DIACAP Implementation Plan |
DIP | Director, International Programs |
DIP | Développement Informatique Progiciels (French: Software Development Package) |
DIP | Dubai Investments Park Development Company (also seen as DIPDC; Dubai, United Arab Emirates) |
DIP | Dipulse |
DIP | Déménagements Industriels et Privés (French: Industrial and Private Removals) |
DIP | Development in Process |
DIP | Dial-up Internet Protocol |
DIP | Digital Intellectual Property |
DIP | Departamento de Información Pública de las Naciones Unidas (Spanish) |
DIP | Diari personal interactiu (Catalan Interactive personal newspaper) |
DIP | Diagonal Interleaved Parity |
DIP | Display Information Processor |
DIP | Defense Imagery Program |
DIP | Dedicated Inside Plant (telecommunications) |
DIP | Decision in Principal |
DIP | Direct Industrial Participation (offset term for industrial cooperation linked to the defence industry) |
DIP | Design Internal Pressure |
DIP | Destination Internet Protocol |
DIP | Data Integrity Program |
DIP | Dual In-Line Packet (switch) |
DIP | Defense Intelligence Plan |
DIP | Drive Image Professional |
DIP | Doily In Progress |
DIP | Data Interface Processor |
DIP | Digital Instrumentation Programmer |
DIP | Drivers Instrument Panel |
DIP | División de Investigación Policial |
DIP | Drive Impedance Phase |
DIP | Dealer Incentive Package |
DIP | Disease Ignorance Poverty |
DIP | Direct Indictment Program |
DIP | Deutsches Institut für angewandte Pflegeforschung eV (German Institute for Applied Nursing Research) |
DIP | District Incident Plot |
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