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DDDDirect Distance Dialing
DDDDigital/Digital/Digital (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering)
DDDDivision of Developmental Disabilities (various locations)
DDDDegenerative Disc Disease
DDDData Display Debugger (GNU Project)
DDDDiners, Drive-Ins, and Dives (TV series)
DDDDomain Driven Design
DDDDefined Daily Dose
DDDDigital Divide Data (New York, NY)
DDDDéfenseur des Droits (French: Defender of Rights)
DDDDelta Delta Delta (sorority)
DDDDear Dumb Diary
DDDDigital Diagnostic Disk
DDDDesign Definition Document
DDDDirect Distance Dial
DDDDual Dynamic Drive
DDDDouble Density Disk
DDDDisplays and Distributed Databases
DDDDimension Driven Design
DDDDirection du Développement Durable (French: Sustainable Development Department)
DDDDrug Design and Discovery
DDDDynamic Digital Depth
DDDDas Dreckige Dutzend (German: The Dirty Dozen; gaming clan)
DDDDress Down Day (various locations)
DDDDirect Detection Device (electron microscopy)
DDDDéchets Domestiques Dangereux (French: Household Hazardous Waste; Canada)
DDDDetailed Design Document
DDDDrug Discovery and Development
DDDDictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible
DDDDiscagem Direta À Distância (Brazilian Portuguese; direct long distance dialing)
DDDDauphine Discussion Débat (French debate association)
DDDDon't Drink and Drive
DDDDeans, Directors and Department (various schools)
DDDDéploiements pour le Développement Démocratique (French: Deployment for Democratic Development; Canada)
DDDDon't Do Drugs
DDDDesired Due Date
DDDDrop Dead Date
DDDDefense Distribution Depot
DDDDiscipline Determination Dedication
DDDDesign Développement Durable (French: Sustainable Development Design; Belgium)
DDDDeputy District Director
DDDDébit de Dose (French: Dose Rate; nuclear energy)
DDDDrug Distribution Data
DDDDeterminant Decision Diagram
DDDDouble Diffused Drain
DDDDiamond Dust Drop (anime)
DDDMayday Relay (logging abbreviation)
DDDDistributed Dynamic Decisionmaking
DDDDigital Diagnostic Diskette
DDDDetermination/Decision Document
DDDDistributed Deadlock Detection
DDDDocumentation Driven Development (computer programming)
DDDDeadline Delivery Date
DDDDat, Dicat, Dedicat (Latin: Gives, Devotes and Dedicates)
DDDDesired Delivery Date
DDDDesign Definition Document (NASA)
DDDDynamic Data Debugger
DDDDooms Day Device (comics)
DDDDisplay Decoder Drive
DDDDelivery Due Date
DDDDetail Data Display (F-14 display console)
DDDDrug, Disease, and Drama Free
DDDDono Dedit Dedicavit (Latin: Gave and Dedicated as a Gift)
DDDDangerous, Dirty, and Dull (robotics; tasks often given to robots)
DDDDare Devil Dive (amusement park ride)
DDDDeath, Doom, and Destruction
DDDDudley Death Drop (pro wrestling)
DDDDeactivation, Decontamination, Decomissioning
DDDDSN Data Delivery
DDDDefinitely Done Deal
DDDDefensive Driving Discount
DDDDirection-Delay Doppler
DDDDetection Discrimination Designation
DDDDelivery Deadline Date
DDDDream it, Dare it, Do it
DDDDynamic Dummy Director
DDDDiamond Death Drop (pro wrestling move)
DDDDigital Dummy Director
DDDDestination, Deliberation, Determination (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
DDDDisease Drama Drug Free (online dating)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Firms were asked to rate nine factors, including pressure from the customer, labor shortage, material shortage, energy shortage, equipment shortage, change in sales plan or demand, change in delivery due date, engineering design change, or top management directive.
It isn't clear yet if the formal agreement will hence contain revised dead lines for some of the construction work at the site as well as the delivery due dates for the office towers.