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References in periodicals archive ?
While Morgoth discovers the general location of the city by observing Elves who flee there for safety, it is the treachery of Maeglin, a "dark Elf" who lives in Gondolin, that leads to the fall of the city.
He stows away on a boat hoping to escape his woes and there finds an ally in the dark elf Drizzt, finding newfound meaning in relationships born of mutual need and appreciation.
After creating your character - Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf or Kamael - you then choose a profession.
Homeland chronicles the adventures of Drizzt, who is a dark elf (or Drow).
-- Five playable characters (both male and female): Select from Barbarian Warrior, Dark Elf Shadow Knight, High Elf Cleric, Erudite Wizard, Wood Elf Ranger
Do'Urden is one of his most popular characters, the subject of an ongoing series of novels about a dark elf who defies the evils of the world around him.
The appearance of a lone dark elf in the city does not bode well.
Tess Noncoire, the successful fantasy writer and Celestial Blade Warrior, is at it once again, and this time her enemy is called the Norglein, something of a dark elf who has managed to enter our world from another dimension and has made his home in a Portland forest, where he attacks unwitting women, impregnates them, and then steals their babies when the hybrid creatures are born.