(redirected from Curatores Veritatis Alliance)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
CVA | City of Vancouver Archives (Canada) |
CVA | Certified Valuation Analyst |
CVA | Cerebrovascular Accident (stroke) |
CVA | Company Voluntary Arrangement (UK company-creditor term) |
CVA | Convention and Visitors Authority (tourism; various locations) |
CVA | Certificate in Visual Arts (various organizations) |
CVA | Central Valley Ag (farmers cooperative; Nebraska) |
CVA | Contextual Value Added (school evaluation) |
CVA | Campus View Apartments (various locations) |
CVA | Certified Veterinary Assistant |
CVA | Change Vector Analysis |
CVA | Communauté des Villes Ariane (French: Community of Ariane Cities) |
CVA | Cash Value Added |
CVA | Clean Vessel Act (Florida) |
CVA | Central Virginia |
CVA | Connecticut Valley Arms |
CVA | Carrabassett Valley Academy |
CVA | Credit Valuation Adjustment |
CVA | Christian Vegetarian Association |
CVA | Attack Aircraft Carrier |
CVA | Current Value Assessment |
CVA | Curatores Veritatis Alliance (gaming clan) |
CVA | Control Valve Actuator (power industry) |
CVA | Commonwealth Veterinary Association (UK) |
CVA | Costovertebral Angle |
CVA | Cardiovascular Accident (stroke) |
CVA | Customer Value Analysis |
CVA | Customer Value Added |
CVA | Certified in Volunteer Administration (Association for Volunteer Administration) |
CVA | Canonical Variate Analysis |
CVA | Campus Virtuel Africain (French: African Virtual Campus; Senegal) |
CVA | Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist |
CVA | Continuous Variable Aperture |
CVA | Corporate Value Associates |
CVA | Comité des Vosges d'Athlétisme (French: Vosges Athletics Committee; Vosges, France) |
CVA | Commercial Vehicle Aftermarket |
CVA | Corderie Voilerie de l'Atlantique (French marine supply company; Bordeaux, France) |
CVA | Carrier-Attack |
CVA | Carrosserie Vexin Auto (French auto body shop) |
CVA | Certified Verification Agent (energy industry) |
CVA | Commanditaire Vennootschap op Aandelen (Dutch) |
CVA | Canadian Vintners Association |
CVA | Colorado Veterans' Alliance (2007-2009) |
CVA | Concurrent VLSI Architecture |
CVA | Compressive Video Amplifier |
CVA | Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy |
CVA | Colorado Velodrome Association |
CVA | Canadian Virtual Airlines |
CVA | Connecticut Volkswagen Association |
CVA | Current Vulnerability Assessment |
CVA | Circular Viterbi Algorithm |
CVA | Characteristic Vector Analysis |
CVA | Canadian Virtual Assistants |
CVA | Central Verifications Activity |
CVA | Crime Victims' Advocate |
CVA | Clandestine Vulnerability Analysis |
CVA | Computer Virus Association |
CVA | Concurrent Viterbi Algorithm |
CVA | Chopper Vane Angle |
CVA | Confederate Veterans of America |
CVA | Colorado Veterans Affairs |
CVA | Convergent Voting Algorithm |
CVA | Compliance Verification Assessment |
CVA | Corporate Valley Associates |
CVA | Communications Vulnerability Analysis |
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