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CUMCumberland (Amtrak station code; Cumberland, MD)
CUMCumana, Venezuela (Airport Code)
CUMCubic Meter
CUMCubic Metre
CUMCummins Engine Company (stock symbol)
CUMCommunauté Urbaine de Montréal
CUMCommunauté Urbaine du Mans (French: Urban Community of Le Mans; Le Mans, France)
CUMCentro Universitario Franco Mexicano (Mexican school)
CUMCentre Universitaire Méditerranéen (Nice, France)
CUMCentro Universitario Montejo (Spanish; Mexican school)
CUMCentro Universitario Metropolitano (Guatemala)
CUMCysto-Urétrographie Mictionnelle (French: Urinary Cysto-Urethrography)
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References in classic literature ?
Fairlie accepted my services, and requested me to start for Cumberland immediately.
When your sun shines in Cumberland (English proverb), in the name of heaven make your hay.
We had scarcely visited the various lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland and conceived an affection for some of the inhabitants when the period of our appointment with our Scotch friend approached, and we left them to travel on.
In February the Capt Dainton spoke to the ECHO from the bridge of HMS Cumberland as the ship was leaving Benghazi harbour carrying evacuees from 27 different nationalities.
Available in two rotor dimensions, 39 and 56 in., new CPS Series pipe shredders from Cumberland Engineering Corp., S.
IT was a day of pride and sadness yesterday as HMS Cumberland sailed home for the last time...
The Cumberland River is a splendid 696-mile aquatic trail that winds its way through some of the most beautiful locales in the Southeast United States.
The agreement is Cumberland's third for the international commercialization of Caldolor.
With the addition of the Cumberland, Maryland, franchise in July of 1917, the Hanover, Pennsylvania, club complained about inconveniences and travel costs in trekking such a long distance to that Western Maryland town.
THE traditional Cumberland sausage is a step closer to joining Champagne, Parma ham and Greek Feta cheese in being protected by European law.
CASE FACTS: In 1997, Marie Cherise had a routine physical examination at Cumberland Diagnostic and Treatment Center (Cumberland), which was operated by the City of New York.
STAFFORDSHIRE let slip a strong position after the opening day of their clash with Cumberland.