(redirected from Corn Bread Productions)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
CBP | Customs and Border Protection (US government) |
CBP | County Business Patterns (census) |
CBP | Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (US DHS) |
CBP | US Customs and Border Protection |
CBP | Certified Benefits Professional (WorldatWork certification program) |
CBP | CREB-Binding Protein |
CBP | College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (Dutch DPA) |
CBP | Community Based Practice (various organizations) |
CBP | Chesapeake Bay Program (state/federal Chesapeake Bay restoration partnership) |
CBP | Citizens Bank Park (Philadelphia, PA) |
CBP | Cross Border Project (various locations) |
CBP | Changi Business Park (Changi, Singapore) |
CBP | Catholic Book Publishing (Totowa, NJ) |
CBP | Code of Banking Practice (various locations) |
CBP | Concrete Batch Plant |
CBP | Car Beauty Pro |
CBP | Chiropractic Biophysics |
CBP | Capacity Bidding Program (energy; California) |
CBP | California Budget Project |
CBP | Canadian Business Patterns |
CBP | Crippled Black Phoenix (band; UK) |
CBP | Coldwell Banker Preferred (various locations) |
CBP | Coded Block Pattern |
CBP | Customer Backbone Port |
CBP | Current Best Practices (various companies) |
CBP | Center for Business Practices (various organizations) |
CBP | Collaborative Business Process (conference) |
CBP | Certified Bodytalk Practitioner |
CBP | Comprehensive Benefits Plan (various organizations) |
CBP | Chorleywood Bread Process |
CBP | Coimbra Portugal (airport code) |
CBP | Center on Budget and Policy (West Virginia) |
CBP | Commercial Business Park (various locations) |
CBP | Common Basic Principle (EU) |
CBP | Chronic Back Pain |
CBP | Cirrhose Biliaire Primitive (French: Primary Biliary Cirrhosis; medical condition) |
CBP | Centre for Business Performance (Cranfield University; UK) |
CBP | Central Bank of Paraguay |
CBP | Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis |
CBP | Community Build Project (forum) |
CBP | Commercial Building Products |
CBP | Center for Biological Physics (various schools) |
CBP | Center for Biblical Preaching (Luther Seminary; St. Paul, MN) |
CBP | Community Based Programme (various locations) |
CBP | Checks by Phone (TeleCheck) |
CBP | Coded Block Pattern (MPEG) |
CBP | Comic Book Project (Columbia Univeristy; New York) |
CBP | Canadian Business Press |
CBP | Certified Building Professional (NPSI) |
CBP | Compagnie de Banque Privée (French: Private Banking Company; Luxembourg) |
CBP | Community Building Program (various organizations) |
CBP | Consumer Best Practices (various organizations) |
CBP | Centurion Bank of Punjab (India) |
CBP | Competitive Bidding Program (Medicare; US DHHS) |
CBP | Cognitive Behavioral Program (psychotherapy) |
CBP | Comprehensive Breast Program (various organizations) |
CBP | Central Bank of the Philippines |
CBP | Colin Buchanan and Partners (UK) |
CBP | Cash Balance Plan |
CBP | Community Benefits Plan (various organizations) |
CBP | Capability Based Planning |
CBP | Community Based Partnership (various organizations) |
CBP | Chronic Benign Pain |
CBP | Center for Beam Physics (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA) |
CBP | Case Based Planning |
CBP | Complete Blood Picture |
CBP | Clean Boating Partnership (Florida) |
CBP | Convergent Billing Platform (Saville) |
CBP | Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia |
CBP | Creating Better Places Program (Australia) |
CBP | Common Business Process |
CBP | Contrats de Bonne Pratique (French: Contracts of Good Practice; health care) |
CBP | Custom Bikes & Parts (Norway) |
CBP | Continuous Bomber Presence |
CBP | Canadian Bush Party (band) |
CBP | Colorblindness, Partial, Protan Series |
CBP | Cleethorpes Beach Patrol |
CBP | Carrée, Biebuyck & Partners (recruitment agency; Belgium) |
CBP | Captive Breeding Program (wildlife management) |
CBP | Chronic Benzene Poisoning |
CBP | Critical Business Process |
CBP | Coussinets Bagues de Précision (French: Precision Bearings Rings; Sartrouville, France) |
CBP | Condensate Booster Pump |
CBP | Customer Benefit Package (goods and services) |
CBP | College Basketball Partnership |
CBP | Common Buffer Pool |
CBP | Catherine Besnard-Peron (French life coach) |
CBP | Combustion By-Product |
CBP | Connector Bracket Power |
CBP | Chehalis Basin Partnership (Washington State) |
CBP | California Board of Psychology |
CBP | Cabinet Bessé Prévoyance (French: Bessé Welfare Office; Nantes, France) |
CBP | Commodity Business Plan |
CBP | Common Battlespace Picture |
CBP | Central Brooklyn Partnership (Brooklyn, NY) |
CBP | Club de Badminton de Perenchies (French: Perenchies Badminton Club; Perenchies, France) |
CBP | Comptoir Burkinabé du Papier (French: Burkina Faso Paper Counter; Burkina Faso) |
CBP | Concurrent Block Processing |
CBP | Cyprus Business Portal |
CBP | Code Block Processor |
CBP | Canceled By Patient |
CBP | Centre Blaise Pascal (French: Blaise Pascal Center; Lyon, France) |
CBP | Club de Badminton de Provins (French: Provins Badminton Club; Provins, France) |
CBP | Construction of Facilities Best Practices |
CBP | Cold-Ball Pull (solder materials testing of Ball Grid Arrays electronic packages) |
CBP | Central Banking Program |
CBP | Complementary Bipolar Process |
CBP | Corn Bread Productions |
CBP | Conservation Breeding Program (wildlife management) |
CBP | Club de Badminton Pringy (French: Pringy Badminton Club; Pringy, France) |
CBP | Club de Billard de Plainpalais (French: Billiard Club of Plainpalais; Switzerland) |
CBP | Casino Bonus Promotion |
CBP | Common Battlefield Picture |
CBP | Construction Bâtiment Parisien (French: Building Construction in Paris; Paris, France) |
CBP | Comptoir Boulangerie Pâtisserie (French: Bakery and Pastry Counter) |
CBP | Cabinet Biard-Pinçon (French: Biard Pinçon Office; building inspection) |
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