(redirected from Coastal Data Acquisition)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
CDA | California Dental Association |
CDA | Child Development Associate |
CDA | Canada |
CDA | Canadian Dental Association |
CDA | Canadian Diabetes Association |
CDA | Coeur D'Alene (ID, USA) |
CDA | Capital Development Authority (Pakistan) |
CDA | Christen Democratisch Appèl (Dutch: Christian Democratic Appeal; Netherlands) |
CDA | Consiglio Di Amministrazione (Italian: Administration Board) |
CDA | Copper Development Association Inc. |
CDA | Connecticut Development Authority |
CDA | Categorical Data Analysis (various schools) |
CDA | Community Development Authority |
CDA | California Department of Aging |
CDA | Cote d'Azur (French Riviera) |
CDA | Certified Dental Assistant |
CDA | Cleveland Disc Association (Ohio) |
CDA | Critical Discourse Analysis |
CDA | Cascadian Dark Ale (beer) |
CDA | Clinical Dental Assistant |
CDA | Christian Democratic Alliance (political party; South Africa) |
CDA | Cosmic Dust Analyzer |
CDA | Centro de Alumnos (Spanish: Student Center) |
CDA | CD Audio Track (filename extension) |
CDA | Clinical Document Architecture (XML-based document markup standard) |
CDA | Council for Disability Awareness |
CDA | Child Development Account (Singapore) |
CDA | Coram Deo Academy (Texas) |
CDA | Contract Disputes Act |
CDA | Communications Decency Act of 1996 |
CDA | Cubic Defense Applications |
CDA | Compound Document Architecture |
CDA | Compact Disc Audio |
CDA | Cd Archiving |
CDA | Content Delivery Applications |
CDA | Clinical Document Architecture |
CDA | Compagnie des Alpes (French: Alps Company) |
CDA | College Democrats of America |
CDA | Continuous Descent Approach (aviation) |
CDA | Canadian Dermatology Association |
CDA | Chandra Data Archive |
CDA | Confidential Disclosure Agreement |
CDA | Christian Democratic Appeal (political party; Netherlands) |
CDA | Community Development Association |
CDA | Comprehensive Development Agreement |
CDA | Community Development Administration |
CDA | Cooperative Development Authority |
CDA | Commission du Droit d'Auteur Canada (Copyright Board of Canada) |
CDA | Comprehensive Data Analysis |
CDA | Commission des Droits et de l'Autonomie des Personnes Handicapées (French: Commission on Human Autonomy for People with Disabilities; est. 2005) |
CDA | Chargé d'Affaires (French: Responsible for Affairs; US State Department) |
CDA | Career Development Award (insurance) |
CDA | Centro de Desarrollo de Agronegocios (Spanish: Agribusiness Development Center; various locations) |
CDA | Colorado Dental Association |
CDA | Center for Data Analysis |
CDA | Commedia Dell' Arte |
CDA | Clean Dry Air |
CDA | Conference of Defence Associations (Conférence des Associations de La Défence - Canada) |
CDA | Controlled Droplet Application |
CDA | Commonwealth Dental Association (UK) |
CDA | Command and Data Acquisition (Station; NOAA) |
CDA | Canadian Dam Association |
CDA | Criminal Defense Attorney |
CDA | Child Detection Agency (Monsters, Inc.) |
CDA | Chittagong Development Authority (Bangladesh) |
CDA | Capital Dividend Account (taxation) |
CDA | Contribution au Développement de l'Apprentissage (French: Contribution to the Development of Learning; French tax) |
CDA | Comité Départemental d'Athlétisme (French: Departmental Committee of Athletics) |
CDA | Computer Design Architecture (various schools) |
CDA | Collaborative for Development Action |
CDA | Christian Democratic Alliance |
CDA | Central Design Agent (shipping) |
CDA | Compressed Dry Air |
CDA | Civil Defence Academy |
CDA | Constitution Drafting Assembly (Thailand) |
CDA | Canadian Defence Attaché |
CDA | Cleveland Development Advisors (Cleveland, OH) |
CDA | Commander's Digital Assistant (Army) |
CDA | Club de Défense des Animaux (French: Defense of Animals Club) |
CDA | Colonial Dames of America |
CDA | Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 |
CDA | Central Design Activity |
CDA | Communicative Disorders Assistant |
CDA | Centre de Défense des Animaux (French: Animal Defense Center) |
CDA | Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemias |
CDA | Centre Départementale d'Assèchement (French: Departmental Assessment of Reclamation) |
CDA | Chabot Delrieu Associés (French labeling machine company) |
CDA | Conceptual Design Activity |
CDA | Corporate Dental Application (used by the Army Medical Command) |
CDA | Concept Demonstrator Aircraft |
CDA | California Department of Agriculture |
CDA | Commercial Derivative Aircraft |
CDA | Central Design Agency |
CDA | Compact Digital Audio |
CDA | Contributing Drainage Area |
CDA | Call Data Accumulator |
CDA | Content Delivery Agent (web portal delivery technology) |
CDA | Comptoir des Affaires (French discount business) |
CDA | Civil Defense Agency |
CDA | Canada Department of Agriculture |
CDA | Concise Dictionary of Akkadian |
CDA | Coin Detection and Announcement |
CDA | Coordinated Data Analysis (NASA website) |
CDA | Clinical Data Associate (pharmacology) |
CDA | Critical Design Audit |
CDA | Central Distribution Amplifier |
CDA | Conditional Demand Analysis |
CDA | Christlich Demokratische Arbeitnehmer (German: Christian Democratic Employees) |
CDA | Community Digital Assistant (sharable PDA) |
CDA | Call Disposition Analyzer |
CDA | Combined Development Agency (US, UK, and Canada) |
CDA | Catalog Data Activity (US Army) |
CDA | Current Differencing Amplifier |
CDA | Clear Dry Adhesive |
CDA | Cercle des Arts (French: Circle of Arts; artists' collective) |
CDA | Career Design Associates, Inc. |
CDA | Club des Auteurs (French: Authors Club) |
CDA | Crash Dump Analyzer |
CDA | Certified Digital Archivist |
CDA | Centre de Documentation Anarchiste (French: Anarchist Documentation Center; Center for Labor History; Nantes, France) |
CDA | Certified Design Accountant |
CDA | Corneal Dystrophy, Avellino Type |
CDA | Commander's Decision Aid |
CDA | Contagious Diseases Act (UK) |
CDA | Cyclic Division Algebras (a class of division algebra) |
CDA | Component Data Administrator |
CDA | Connecticut Dressage Association |
CDA | Canadian Domestic Airspace |
CDA | Cognitive Decision Aids |
CDA | Conventional Distributed Amplifier |
CDA | Core Depot Assessment (US DoD) |
CDA | Congressionally Directed Action |
CDA | Coastal Data Acquisition |
CDA | Constant Descent Approach (aviation) |
CDA | Chicago Dwellings Association |
CDA | Collision Detection and Avoidance |
CDA | Computer Design Activity |
CDA | Country Dance Association (various locations) |
CDA | Combat Development Activity |
CDA | Centre de Droit Américain (French: American Law Center) |
CDA | Coverage Determination Application |
CDA | Corona Dance Academy (Corona, CA) |
CDA | Collaborative Decision Aid |
CDA | Centre Drôme Ardèche (French: Drôme Ardèche Center; Joseph Fourier University; Grenoble, France) |
CDA | Common Datacasting Architecture |
CDA | Concurrent Detection Algorithm |
CDA | Courriers de l'Aube (French transportation company) |
CDA | Control Duty Assignment |
CDA | Capability Data Acknowledgement (ITU-T) |
CDA | Consecutive Diagnosis Algorithm |
CDA | Coalition for a Democratic Abkhazia (Republic of Georgia) |
CDA | Controlled Disposition Area |
CDA | Cigarettes des Autres (French: other people's cigarettes) |
CDA | Conceptual Design Area |
CDA | Cooloola Dressage Association Inc. (Australia) |
CDA | Clinique Dentaire Adventiste |
CDA | Compressed Data, Audio |
CDA | Call Duck Association (UK) |
CDA | Cesium Dhydrogen Arsenate |
CDA | Communications Distribution Assembly |
CDA | Casualty and Damage Assessment |
CDA | Cognizant Design Activity |
CDA | Consolidated Device Architecture |
CDA | Collegiate Debate Association |
CDA | United States Army DARCOM Catalog Data Activity |
CDA | Command Data Administration |
CDA | Central Development Activity |
CDA | Character Data Archive |
CDA | Class Design Agent |
CDA | Connecticut Debate Association |
CDA | College Diploma in Agriculture (UK) |
CDA | Chambre des Associations (French: Chamber of Associations) |
CDA | Combat Developer's Analysis |
CDA | Columbus DanceArts Academy (Dublin, OH) |
CDA | Concept Development Aircraft |
CDA | Critical Decision Analysis |
CDA | Citizen Discrimination Act |
CDA | Christian Duty Alliance |
CDA | Cost Distribution Account (US government) |
CDA | Cymdeithas Draughts Association (Wales) |
CDA | Crash-Damaged Aircraft |
CDA | Calcul Distribué et Asynchronisme (French: Distributed Computing and Asynchrony) |
CDA | Crater Detection Algorithm (Mars exploration) |
CDA | Corporate Directory Assistance |
CDA | Collectif de Développement Audiovisuel (French: Audiovisual Development Collective) |
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