(redirected from Catechesi Tradendae)
Category filter:
CTConnecticut (US postal abbreviation)
CTCentral Time
CTComputed Tomography (imaging technique)
CTContact Time
CTCentral African Republic
CTClinical Trial
CTCommunications Technology
CTComputer Technology
CTCritical Thinking
CTCape Town (South Africa)
CTChristianity Today (magazine)
CTCome Together (Beatles song)
CTCanadian Tire
CTCurrent Transformer
CTClock Tower (computer game)
CTChicago Tribune
CTCommon Terms
CTCanterbury (postcode, United Kingdom)
CTComputerized Tomography
CTControl Techniques (Emerson Electric Company; St. Louis, MO)
CTCensus Tract
CTCombination Therapy
CTCellular Telephone
CTComputerized Axial Tomography (also see CAT; CT is preferred)
CTClassroom Teacher
CTCertification Test
CTCooling Tower
CTClinical Terms
CTChina Town
CTCycle Time
CTChanging Times (journal)
CTCharlize Theron (actress)
CTCognitive Therapy
CTConstant Temperature
CTConnective Tissue
CTCharitable Trust
CTCoffee Time
CTCharge Transfer
CTCarbon Tetrachloride
CTClone Trooper (Star Wars)
CTCross Talk
CTComputer Telephony
CTClock Time
CTCold Turkey
CTCertification Testing
CTConspiracy Theory (movie)
CTCounseling and Testing
CTControl Tower
CTChaos Theory
CTCigarette Tax (various locations)
CTComité Technique (French: Technical Committee)
CTCore Team
CTCable Tray
CTCounter Terrorist
CTCherished Teddies (Enesco collectible figurines)
CTChrono Trigger (video game)
CTCanada Trust
CTCan't Talk
CTCALTRANS (California Department of Transportation)
CTCountry Team
CTCordless Telephone
CTCrazy Taxi (Dreamcast game)
CTComputer Technician
CTCholera Toxin
CTCoiled Tubing (oil & gas)
CTChannel Tunnel (England/France)
CTConnection Time
CTCombustion Turbine
CTCut Throat
CTCoattails (multi-game guild)
CTCopper Tube
CTCrimp Tool
CTClotting Time (test of blood)
CTComputer Terminal
CTComplementary Therapy
CTChemical Test
CTCharge Time (gaming)
CTCalendar Time
CTCrazy Town (band)
CTChris Tucker (actor)
CTCorey Taylor (Slipknot)
CTCorporate Technology
CTCompensatory Time
CTClub Triumph (UK)
CTContact Team
CTCommissario Tecnico (Italian: national's soccer team Head Coach)
CTCocteau Twins (band)
CTCold Tolerance
CTCritical Technology (EU program)
CTCatania, Sicilia (Italian province)
CTCity Temple (Cardiff, UK)
CTCyber Terrorism
CTConformance Testing
CTCable, Test
CTCalf Thymus
CTConflict Transformation
CTCollaborative Tools
CTChemical Terrorism
CTCredit Time (US NIH)
CTCaptain Tsubasa (Japanese comic)
CTCommunication Trench
CTCommunications Technician (AWACS communications position)
CTConning Tower
CTCommunity Title (Australia)
CTControl Task
CTCloud Top
CTChurch Times (UK)
CTControl Transformer
CTCross Traffic
CTCover Test (ophthalmology)
CTControl Telemetry (US DoD)
CTCompetition Tribunal (Canada)
CTColour Television
CTCreative Touring (Lexus)
CTCommission de la Transparence (French healthcare quality-assessment agency)
CTCordless Telecommunications
CTCoal Terminal
CTCenter Thickness (of contact lens)
CTCoat and Tie
CTCipher Text
CTCommunications Terminal
CTColor Transparency
CTCompact Tension (metallurgy)
CTComputer-aided Tomography (less common)
CTCalgary Transit
CTCloud Type
CTContractor Test
CTCenter-Tapped (electrical: transformer)
CTCollecting Tubule
CTCentral Teaching
CTCatechesi Tradendae (On Catechesis in our Time)
CTCommercial Thinning (forestry)
CTCondensed Tannin
CTCommunist Terrorists (British Malayan Conflict)
CTCustomer Test
CTConstitutional Tribunal
CTCeská Televize (Czech Television)
CTContractor Testing
CTContinuation Training
CTCrawler Transporter (NASA)
CTClamp Terminal
CTCreatine Transporter (genetics)
CTCertificate of Teaching
CTCommissioning Team
CTCombined Testing
CTCertificate of Transliteration
CTCombined Trial
CTClassic Trilogy (Star Wars)
CTCazic Thule (Everquest)
CTCable Tunnel
CTCircle Trip (airlines)
CTCum Tempore (Latin: at a later date)
CTCertified Translator (American Translators Association)
CTClear Trunk
CTCable Telemetry
CTCentral Transition
CTCryptologic Technician (formerly Communications Technician; USN Rating)
CTCharlie Tango (ham radio)
CTClient Task
CTCertified Thanatologist
CTCareer Trainee
CTConformance Tester
CTCommand Transmitter
CTCavitation Tunnel
CTChemical Titles (periodical)
CTCombat Trains
CTComparison Text
CTCompatibility Technology
CTCertified in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement (Association for Death Education and Counseling)
CTContraterrene (anti-matter, science fiction)
CTCompensation Theorem
CTCoachTrack (coaching software by Eclipse Computing)
CTCadet in Training (Texas A&M Corps of Cadets)
CTCoordinated Turn Model
CTChannel Terminator
CTChimney Tray
CTCommon Tier
CTChlamydia Trochomatis
CTConfederation Test
CTConfederation Text
CTCedar Trust
CTCascaded Triplet
CTChiropractic Technologist
CTCognizant Test
CTCognitive Turnover (work psychology)
CTCurve-to-Tangent Point
CTCircular Trunking
CTCreate Tasker
CTCooperative Trust Company of Canada
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References in periodicals archive ?
In at least three documents, John Paul II introduced the theme of tradition as collective memory but without explicitly identifying the Spirit as the church's living memory: Catechesi tradendae of 1979 (no.
John Paul II, Catechesi Tradendae, 30), especially as regards the Sacraments, by which your people's faith is sustained and nourished.
Pope John Paul II, in his 1979 apostolic exhortation Catechesi Tradendae, emphasized the incredible importance of catechesis: "The name catechesis was given to the whole of the efforts within the Church to make disciples, to help people to believe that Jesus is the Son of God ...
A este respecto, se podria poner el ejemplo de las Exhortaciones Evangelii nuntiandi y Catechesi tradendae, de 1974 y 1977 respectivamente, que seran leidas y estudiadas de nuevo tambien durante el periodo de preparacion de la proxima XIII Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sinodo de los Obispos, que tendra lugar del 7 al 28 de octubre de 2012, sobre el tema La nueva evangelizacion para la transmision de la fe>> (3).
Un estudio detenido de ese Sinodo y--ya de la mano de Juan Pablo II--de la exhortacion correspondiente, Catechesi tradendae, mostraria hasta que punto la Iglesia recibio las mejores adquisiciones de la renovacion catequetica posconciliar, a la vez que percibio en ella algunos problemas de notable calado.
Hence many of these parents will resent the Cardinal's summation that what is needed is "a change in thinking on the part of a great number of the parents, as well as an increase in their willingness to be educated for the purpose of educating their children in the faith." Some of these parents might want to direct the Cardinal to "Catechesi Tradendae" (No.
Paul VI's successor, John Paul II, in Catechesi Tradendae (1979), quickly followed with a statement that both catechesis and evangelization were "called to bring the power of the gospel into the very heart of culture and cultures." On the one hand, said the Pontiff, the gospel message can never be isolated from the cultural milieu in which it is expressed; on the other hand, the power of the gospel everywhere transforms and regenerates culture, rectifying many of its elements.
Ya la Catechesi Tradendae (1979) habia mostrado la relevancia y el lugar del testimonio cristiano en la catequesis, senalando que el testimonio apostolico y misionero es uno de los elementos de la mision pastoral de la Iglesia que tienen un aspecto catequetico, en el sentido de que o bien preparan a la catequesis, o bien emanan de ella (47).