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Related to Carnitine deficiency: L-carnitine
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CDCritical Decision
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References in periodicals archive ?
Primary carnitine deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with an incidence of one in 120,000, caused by mutations in the SLC22A5 gene, located on chromosome 5q23.3, which encodes OCTN2 [2].
Carnitine deficiency of human skeletal muscle with associated lipid storage myopathy: a new syndrome.
Carnitine deficiency has been well documented in heart failure.
Several drugs including VPA are associated with decreased carnitine levels and occasionally with true carnitine deficiency.14 VPA depletes carnitine stores, especially during long-term or high-dose therapy, through various mechanisms.15 VPA induced histological changes in the liver are in the form of microvesicular steatosis and centrilobular necrosis.16Among cases of severe hepatotoxicity occurring during VPA therapy, survival has been reported mainly in those patients treated with carnitine.17-19
Transient infantile hypertriglyceridemia with associated hyperglycinemia and secondary carnitine deficiency. The patient was treated with antipyretics, antibiotics, IV fluids, nebulisation and blood transfusion, tablet Atorvastatin 10 mg half OD and Carnitine 75 mg/kg/day in divided doses.
[16] primary carnitine deficiency are caused by improper energetic balance due to genetically determined flaws in fatty acid metabolism.
Carnitine uptake into tissues and cells occurs by a saturable sodium-dependent transport mechanism (21), and a failure of its transport mechanism leads to systemic or primary carnitine deficiency associated with low levels of free and total carnitine in tissues and plasma.
Normal plasma concentration of total carnitine (TC) is 30-90 [micro]M, free carnitine (FC) 26-52 [micro]M and acyl-carnitine (AC) esters 2-10 [micro]M, (13-15) with TC concentrations lower than 20 [micro]M considered indicative of likely carnitine deficiency. (10,16) A normal ratio of AC: FC in the fed state is less than 0.4, and ratios >0.4 are believed to be indicative of a certain degree of limited FC availability.
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