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CCHColegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (Spanish)
CCHChristian Church Homes (various locations)
CCHCertified Clinical Hypnotherapist
CCHCook County Hospital
CCHCredit Card Holder
CCHCarol Christine Hilaria (actress)
CCHCertified Crystal Healer
CCHCode de la Construction et de l'Habitation (French: Code of Construction and Housing)
CCHContinuing Care Hospital
CCHCongress Centrum Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
CCHCape Coastal Homes (South Africa)
CCHControl Channel
CCHCancel Character
CCHCorel Chart
CCHColumbia College Hollywood (Tarzana, CA)
CCHCountry Club Hills (Fairfax City, VA, USA)
CCHCornwall Community Hospital (Canada)
CCHCentral Clearing House (various locations)
CCHCadet College Hasan Abdal (Pakistan)
CCHCoca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA (stock symbol)
CCHCámara Costarricense de Hoteles (Spanish, Costa Rican Chamber of Hotels)
CCHCrank Case Heater (various companies)
CCHChief of Chaplains
CCHCenter for Cryptologic History
CCHCentre for Children's Happiness (Cambodia)
CCHCape Coral Hospital (Florida)
CCHCollectif contre l'Homophobie (French: Collective against Homophobia)
CCHCaptain Cook Hotel (various locations)
CCHClarke Caton Hintz (New Jersey)
CCHChronic Care Hospital (various locations)
CCHCarson City Hospital (Carson City, MI)
CCHCertified in Classical Homeopathy
CCHCallaway Community Hospital (Fulton, MO)
CCHCatholic Central High School (London, Ontario)
CCHConsumer Credit Help
CCHConnections per Circuit Hour
CCHCouncil of Clinical Hypnotherapists (Australia)
CCHCaptain Cook Highway (infrastructure project; Australia)
CCHCharing Cross Hospital (UK)
CCHComputer-Controlled Hostiles (military simulation)
CCHCaro Community Hospital (Caro, Michigan)
CCHCommunity Central Hall (Glasgow, Scotland, UK)
CCHCenter for Coastal Health
CCHCommerce Clearing House, Incorporated (publisher)
CCHCommunauté de Communes de l'Hesdinois (French: Community of Communes of Hesdinois; Pas-de-Calais, France)
CCHCable, Crimping and Harnessing
CCHCabinet Contrôle Habitat (French: Habitat Control Office)
CCHCost Comparison Handbook
CCHClose Combat Heavy
CCHComputerized Criminal History Files of the FBI
CCHCircular Corrugated Horn (antenna)
CCHCarrière et Capital Humain (French: Careers and Human Capital)
CCHClient Claim History (insurance)
CCHConnectivity Cluster Hierarchy
CCHCompact Corrugated Horn Antenna
CCHComputer-Controlled Heater (Cassini Explorer)
CCHCentre Chorégraphique de Houdan (French: Houdan Choreographic Center; dance school; Houdan, France)
CCHCyclo Club Hennebont (French cycling club)
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References in periodicals archive ?
They were driving on the Captain Cook Highway when their car veered off the road, skidded and smashed into an oncoming vehicle.
The British tourists were travelling in a rented white saloon on the Captain Cook Highway, the main coast road in far north Queensland.