(redirected from Calvary Cottage Community)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
CCC | Civil(ian) Conservation Corps |
CCC | Commodity Credit Corporation |
CCC | City Colleges of Chicago |
CCC | Caribbean Conservation Corporation |
CCC | Copyright Clearance Center |
CCC | Christchurch City Council (New Zealand) |
CCC | Certificate of Clinical Competence |
CCC | Catalyst Control Center (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) |
CCC | Capital Community College (Hartford, Connecticut) |
CCC | Columbia College Chicago |
CCC | Canadian Company Capabilities (database) |
CCC | China Compulsory Certification |
CCC | Cross Cultural Center |
CCC | Contra Costa County (California County) |
CCC | Catholic Communication Campaign |
CCC | Comprehensive Cancer Center |
CCC | Catechism of the Catholic Church |
CCC | California Coastal Commission |
CCC | County Cricket Club (UK) |
CCC | Clackamas Community College (Oregon City, Oregon) |
CCC | Child Care Center |
CCC | Chinese Culture Center |
CCC | Cross Country Canada (Canada) |
CCC | Cheat Code Central (website) |
CCC | Cargo Carrying Capacity (Motorhome or RV) |
CCC | Christ Community Church (various locations) |
CCC | California Community Colleges |
CCC | Committee on Climate Change (UK) |
CCC | Conference on Computational Complexity |
CCC | Current Contents Connect (online journal access) |
CCC | Chamber of Commerce Committee (US Chamber of Commerce) |
CCC | Clatsop Community College (Astoria, Oregon) |
CCC | Center for Community Change |
CCC | Contra Costa College (San Pablo, CA, USA) |
CCC | Casino Control Commission (New Jersey) |
CCC | Chaos Communication Congress (technology conference) |
CCC | Central Christian Church (various locations) |
CCC | California Correctional Center (California) |
CCC | Citroen Car Club |
CCC | Clean Clothes Campaign (worker advocacy; Netherlands) |
CCC | Campus Crusade for Christ |
CCC | Christian Counseling Center (various locations) |
CCC | Council of Conservative Citizens |
CCC | California Conservation Corps |
CCC | Camden County College (New Jersey) |
CCC | Cleveland Community College (Shelby, NC) |
CCC | Calhoun Community College (Alabama) |
CCC | Community Christian Church |
CCC | Crenshaw Christian Center (Los Angeles, CA) |
CCC | Center for Creative Communications (Japan) |
CCC | Covenant Christian Church (various locations) |
CCC | Counter Culture Coffee (Durham, NC) |
CCC | Certificate of Completion and Compliance (buildings) |
CCC | Camping and Caravanning Club (UK) |
CCC | Center for Cancer Care (various locations) |
CCC | Coahoma Community College (Clarksdale, MS) |
CCC | Cascade Collegiate Conference |
CCC | Christian Community Center (various locations) |
CCC | Commander in Chief (CINC) Control Center |
CCC | Commander in Chief (CINC) Command Complex |
CCC | College Curriculum Committee (various universities) |
CCC | Christ Covenant Church (various locations) |
CCC | Chaos Computer Club e.V. (German computer hacker group) |
CCC | Cape Cod Canal (Massachusetts) |
CCC | Customs Cooperation Council |
CCC | Covenant Community Church (various locations) |
CCC | Cambridge Chamber of Commerce (Cambridge, MA) |
CCC | Centre for Culture and Communication (Republic Polytechnic, Singapore) |
CCC | Chinese Community Church (various locations) |
CCC | Canadian Council of Churches |
CCC | Canola Council of Canada |
CCC | Caroline Chisholm College (Australia) |
CCC | Cryogenic Current Comparator (electricity) |
CCC | Campus Child Care (various schools) |
CCC | Current Cost of Capital |
CCC | Coral Cay Conservation |
CCC | Critical Care Conference (various locations) |
CCC | Carson City-Crystal (Michigan) |
CCC | Community Cultural Center (various locations) |
CCC | Citizens' Committee for Children (New York) |
CCC | Committee on Child Care (various organizations) |
CCC | Clark County Code (various locations) |
CCC | Climate Change Capital (UK) |
CCC | Counseling and Career Center (various schools) |
CCC | Connecticut Community College |
CCC | Challenge Cover Collection (album) |
CCC | Caribbean Cement Company (Jamaica) |
CCC | Convention on Cybercrime |
CCC | Continuing Care Centre (various locations) |
CCC | Cisco Conference Connection |
CCC | Card Command Class |
CCC | Candle Command Center |
CCC | Computer Control Console |
CCC | Commercial Credit Card |
CCC | Clear Command Channel |
CCC | Catalyst Control Center |
CCC | Customer Care Center |
CCC | Computer Controlled Character |
CCC | Change and Configuration Control |
CCC | Cablelabs Client Configuration |
CCC | Canadian Commercial Corporation |
CCC | Computing Community Consortium (Washington, DC) |
CCC | City Christian Center (various locations) |
CCC | Calvary Christian College (Waldorf, MD) |
CCC | Cleveland Chiropractic College |
CCC | California Coastal Conservancy (est. 1976) |
CCC | Coordinated Child Care |
CCC | Central Christian College (McPherson, KS) |
CCC | Coffeyville Community College (Coffeyville, KS) |
CCC | Corning Community College (Corning, NY) |
CCC | Continental Country Club (various locations) |
CCC | Cuyahoga Community College (Cleveland, Ohio) |
CCC | Canadian Chamber of Commerce |
CCC | Clear Creek County (Colorado) |
CCC | Clear Channel Communications |
CCC | Corpus Christi College (Australia) |
CCC | Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (heart disease) |
CCC | Clock Conditioning Circuit |
CCC | Cross-Cultural Communication |
CCC | Corporation Commerciale Canadienne (Canadian Commercial Corporation) |
CCC | Corruption and Crime Commission (Australia) |
CCC | Central Community Church (various locations) |
CCC | Cyber Clean Center (computer security; Japan) |
CCC | Customs Clearance Fee (trade) |
CCC | Christian City Church (Australia) |
CCC | Cell Culture Chamber |
CCC | Clean Cities Coalition (US Department of Energy) |
CCC | Cornwall County Council (UK) |
CCC | Convenient Care Clinic (various locations) |
CCC | Calorie Control Council |
CCC | Canadian Cultural Centre (est. 2005) |
CCC | Chocolate Chip Cookies |
CCC | Campbelltown City Council (Australia) |
CCC | Community Care College (Tulsa, OK) |
CCC | Customer Contact Center |
CCC | Consolidated Contractors Company |
CCC | China Christian Council (est. 1980) |
CCC | Coca Cola Championship (sports) |
CCC | Centro Cattolico Cinematografico (Italian: Catholic Film Center) |
CCC | Child Care Consultants (York, PA) |
CCC | Computer Chemie Centrum (German: Computer Chemistry Center) |
CCC | Cash Conversion Cycle |
CCC | California Catholic Conference (Sacramento, CA) |
CCC | Caribbean Conference of Churches |
CCC | Command, Control, & Communications |
CCC | Cellules Communistes Combattantes |
CCC | Community Cycling Center |
CCC | Customer Competence Center |
CCC | Corriente Clasista y Combativa (Argetinian left-wing group) |
CCC | Central City Concern (Portland, OR) |
CCC | Crescent City Classic (Louisiana) |
CCC | Citizen Corps Council |
CCC | Chlorine Chemistry Council |
CCC | Center City Commission (Memphis, TN) |
CCC | Christchurch Convention Centre (New Zealand) |
CCC | Colorado Climate Center |
CCC | Computer Curriculum Corporation (provider of educational software) |
CCC | Columnar Cell Change (pathology) |
CCC | Chinese Christian Church |
CCC | Cambridgeshire County Council (UK) |
CCC | Classic Car Club (various locations) |
CCC | Chicago Cultural Center |
CCC | Central Coast Chapter (various organizations) |
CCC | Customs Code Committee (EU) |
CCC | Christ Church Cranbrook (Michigan) |
CCC | Conduct and Competence Committee (Nursing & Midwifery Council; UK) |
CCC | Compaq Computer Corporation |
CCC | Car Care Council |
CCC | Criminal Code of Canada |
CCC | Cairns Convention Centre (est. 1996; Australia) |
CCC | Centre for Corporate Citizenship (South Africa) |
CCC | Canadian Climate Centre |
CCC | Closed-Loop Control |
CCC | Chinese Culture Club (USC) |
CCC | Comité contre les Chats (French: Committee against Cats) |
CCC | Captains Career Course (US Army; formerly Officer Advanced Courses for Captains) |
CCC | Carmarthenshire County Council (Wales, UK) |
CCC | Cheshire County Council (UK) |
CCC | Consumer Credit Counselors |
CCC | Central Criminal Court |
CCC | Columbus Chamber of Commerce (various locations) |
CCC | Cornerstone Community Church |
CCC | Current Carrying Capacity |
CCC | Care, Custody and Control (insurance term) |
CCC | Cross Cultural Communications (course) |
CCC | Computer Career Center (various locations) |
CCC | Customer Call Center |
CCC | Compressor Controls Corporation |
CCC | Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia) |
CCC | Customs Convention on Containers |
CCC | Certified Cost Consultant |
CCC | Countesthorpe Community College (UK) |
CCC | Community Center Complex (various locations) |
CCC | Career College Central (Lenexa, KS) |
CCC | Command and Control Center |
CCC | Constant Conditional Correlation |
CCC | Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation (French: Contracts Competition Consumption; LexisNexis journal) |
CCC | Child Care Coalition (various locations) |
CCC | Community Christian College (Sun Valley, CA) |
CCC | Cowiche Canyon Conservancy (Yakima, WA) |
CCC | Canadian Criminal Code |
CCC | Center for Community Cooperation (Dallas, TX) |
CCC | Commerce Country Chart (exports) |
CCC | Certificate of Canadian Citizenship |
CCC | Connections Christian Church (Cincinnati, OH) |
CCC | Carroll County Commission (Georgia) |
CCC | City Capital Corporation (California) |
CCC | Conseil Canadien de la Coopération (Canadian Francophone Co-operators) |
CCC | Campus Climate Challenge (various schools) |
CCC | Center for Character and Citizenship (St. Louis, MO) |
CCC | Cornerstone Counseling Center (various locations) |
CCC | Cale Copf Company (German music group) |
CCC | Care Connection for Children (Virginia) |
CCC | Cube Connected Cycles |
CCC | Climate Change College (est. 2005) |
CCC | Chiba Cancer Center (Japan) |
CCC | Community Customs Code (European Union) |
CCC | Chattanooga Choo-Choo (Chattanooga, Tennessee) |
CCC | Continuous Chest Compression (type of CPR) |
CCC | Command Career Counselor (US Navy) |
CCC | Center Congregational Church (various locations) |
CCC | Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (Welsh: National Assembly for Wales) |
CCC | Computer Controlled Character (role-playing games) |
CCC | Camelot Community Care (various locations) |
CCC | Concerned Citizens Coalition (Yellow Springs, OH) |
CCC | California Common Cause |
CCC | Combined Charitable Campaign (various locations) |
CCC | Chimney Corners Camp (Becket, MA) |
CCC | Clear Channel Capability |
CCC | Christian Conference Center |
CCC | Colonial Country Club (Hemet, California) |
CCC | Cognizant Communication Corporation (various locations) |
CCC | Culture, Curriculum and Change (University of North Carolina) |
CCC | Coalition Coordination Cell (US DoD) |
CCC | Covenant Christian Coalition (New York, NY) |
CCC | Chinese Control Conference |
CCC | Construction Careers Center (St. Louis, MO) |
CCC | Confraternity of Catholic Clergy |
CCC | Convergent Close-coupling (approximation) |
CCC | Caucasian Chalk Circle (Bertold Brecht play) |
CCC | Composting Council of Canada |
CCC | Coastal Coordination Council (Texas, USA) |
CCC | Constitutio Criminalis Carolina (Criminal law of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) |
CCC | Canadian Computing Competition |
CCC | Consumers Council of Canada |
CCC | Cardiff County Council (administrative authority for the capital city of Wales, UK) |
CCC | Ceredigion County Council (Wales, UK) |
CCC | Chattanooga Convention Center (Chatanooga, TN) |
CCC | Customer Comment Card |
CCC | Clinical Care Center |
CCC | Continental Can Company |
CCC | Comité de Coordination des Collectivités (French: Coordinating Committee of Communities) |
CCC | Clyde Cruising Club |
CCC | Canada Career Consortium |
CCC | Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorhexis |
CCC | Computational Complexity Conference |
CCC | Corporate Counsel Committee (various organizations) |
CCC | Crofton Country Club (Crofton, MD) |
CCC | Center for Creative Change (various locations) |
CCC | Culture Change Coalition (various locations) |
CCC | Cerritos Community College (California) |
CCC | Common Cold Centre (Cardiff University; UK) |
CCC | Canadian Cochrane Centre (est. 1993) |
CCC | Computing and Communications Center |
CCC | Costa Rica's Call Center |
CCC | Coca-Cola Classic |
CCC | Calm Cool and Collected |
CCC | Chief Corporate Counsel |
CCC | Costa Rican Chamber of Construction |
CCC | Cross-Curricular Competency (education; various locations) |
CCC | Command and Control Central (Vietnam, MACV-SOG; US DoD) |
CCC | California Commissioning Collaborative (California) |
CCC | Criteria Continuous Concentration (water quality) |
CCC | Countryside Christian Church |
CCC | Ceramic Chip Carrier |
CCC | Cookeville Camera Club (Cookeville, TN) |
CCC | Circuit Controls Corporation (Petoskey, MI) |
CCC | Central Computer Complex |
CCC | Chicago Conservation Center (art restoration) |
CCC | Cook Counseling Center (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) |
CCC | Cerebro-Corporal Coefficient |
CCC | Computer Chess Club |
CCC | Community Crusade for Children (various locations) |
CCC | Centre Culturel Cinématographique (French: Cultural Film Center) |
CCC | Certificate of Creditable Coverage |
CCC | Cessnock City Council |
CCC | Centre Culturel et de Coopération (French: Center for Culture and Cooperation) |
CCC | Canadian Committee on Cataloguing |
CCC | Computer Consulting Cifer |
CCC | Carolina Canoe Club |
CCC | Continuing Care Community |
CCC | Chicago Corvette Club (Illinois) |
CCC | Commercial Carrier Corporation |
CCC | Center for Cooperative Concepts |
CCC | Congressional City Conference |
CCC | Commonwealth Carelink Centre (Australia) |
CCC | Consortium of Collective Consciousness |
CCC | Center for Community Capitalism |
CCC | Chessington Community College (UK) |
CCC | Campus Crusade for Cthulhu |
CCC | Combatant Communist Cells (Belgium) |
CCC | Call Content Channel |
CCC | Caribbean Cultural Committee |
CCC | Cycle Conservation Club (Coldwater, MI) |
CCC | Consulting and Coaching for Change |
CCC | Car Communication Computer |
CCC | Coricidin Cough and Cold |
CCC | Cambrian Caving Council |
CCC | Cross Cutting Capability (US Army) |
CCC | Counter Counterfeit Commission |
CCC | Canadian Cowboy Challenge (est. 2011) |
CCC | Command Chief Master Sergeant (US Air Force) |
CCC | Career Counselors Consortium |
CCC | Cypress Community College (Cypress, CA) |
CCC | Center City Consortium (Catholic academies; Washington, DC) |
CCC | Corporate Customer Care |
CCC | Counselling Code of Conduct (UK) |
CCC | Conference on Cooperative Conservation (US White House) |
CCC | Celebration Covenant Church |
CCC | Customer Care Consultant |
CCC | Carlito Caribbean Cool (wrestler) |
CCC | Canadian Codes Centre |
CCC | Cincinnati Convention Center |
CCC | Communication pour le Changement de Comportements (French: Communication for Behavior Change; reproductive health) |
CCC | Centre for Complexity and Change |
CCC | Consolidated Command Center |
CCC | Calibration Check Compounds |
CCC | Chauffeured Cars and Coaches (Tasmania, Australia) |
CCC | Creative Challenge Call |
CCC | Construction Contact Centre (South Africa) |
CCC | Connections Communications Centre (UK) |
CCC | College Composition and Communications |
CCC | Contemporary China Center |
CCC | Contract Certification Clause (California) |
CCC | Comisiwn Cyfle Cyfartal (Welsh: Equal Opportunities Commission) |
CCC | Cannabis Consumers Campaign |
CCC | Carlito Carribean Cool (pro wrestler) |
CCC | Certified Collateral Corporation |
CCC | Correlator Control Computer |
CCC | Central Composite Circumscribed (design) |
CCC | Chalmers Cortège Committé (Gothenburg, Sweden) |
CCC | Cherokee Country Club (Knoxville, Tennessee) |
CCC | Contaminant Control Cartridge |
CCC | California Cider Company |
CCC | Credit Counselors Corporation |
CCC | Concatenated Convolutional Code |
CCC | Collegiate Cancer Council |
CCC | Crane Carrier Corporation (truck manufacturer) |
CCC | Canterbury Clothing Company |
CCC | Curriculum Coordination Center |
CCC | Consumers' Consultative Council |
CCC | Community Credit Corporation |
CCC | Cognitive Complexity and Control Theory (child development) |
CCC | Catholic Conservation Center (Wading River, NY; est. 2000) |
CCC | Collation Coordination Center (US DoD) |
CCC | Configuration Control Committee |
CCC | Competition and Credit Control |
CCC | California Countercurrent |
CCC | Conseil Consultatif Constitutionnel (French: Constitutional Advisory Council; Madagascar) |
CCC | Change Configuration Control |
CCC | Commission on Capital Cases (Florida) |
CCC | Colorado Correctional Center (Golden, CO) |
CCC | Critical Control Circuit |
CCC | Crisis Coordination Center |
CCC | Co-Channel Constraint |
CCC | Communication, Command, and Control |
CCC | Cullompton Community College |
CCC | Centre Culturel de Chine (French: Cultural Center of China) |
CCC | Corporate Computer Center |
CCC | Continuity of Care Certification |
CCC | Cambridge Career College |
CCC | Conseil Création Communication (French: Communication Design Council; website design company) |
CCC | Charge Current Controller |
CCC | Chicago Clearing Corporation |
CCC | Cooper Car Company |
CCC | Constitution Credentials Committee |
CCC | Controller Checkout Console |
CCC | Carriers Container Council, Inc. |
CCC | Capacity Coordination Cell |
CCC | Certified County Commissioner |
CCC | Classical Complement Cascade |
CCC | Consumers Choice Council |
CCC | College Computing Center |
CCC | Controlled Current Conveyor |
CCC | Croydon Crown Court (UK) |
CCC | Canadian Counsellor Certification |
CCC | Combined Command Center (USSPACECOM; US DoD) |
CCC | Camp Catherine Capers (Wells, Vermont) |
CCC | Community Cyber Centers |
CCC | Constitution Convention Commission |
CCC | Commercial Computer Centre |
CCC | Close Circuit Camera |
CCC | Chaparral Cycling Club (Lubbock, TX) |
CCC | Camelback Collectibles Club |
CCC | Complex Control Center (NASA) |
CCC | Closed Cartesian Category |
CCC | Circumscribed Central Composite |
CCC | Coordinating Council of Cooperatives |
CCC | Constructors Car Club (New Zealand) |
CCC | Compromised Container Caps |
CCC | Cassiopia Computer Corp. |
CCC | Champion Canary Club (France) |
CCC | Certified Chef de Cuisines |
CCC | Combat Crew Communications |
CCC | Chillagoe Caving Club (Chillagoe, Queensland, Australia) |
CCC | Commercial Computer Centre Pty Ltd (Australia) |
CCC | Central City Co-Op (Houston, TX) |
CCC | CARDA Coordination Center |
CCC | Control Center Complex |
CCC | Citizens Communication Center |
CCC | Cool Calm Collective (band) |
CCC | CPU Clock Counter |
CCC | Cool Cats Club |
CCC | Commander in Chief Complex |
CCC | Corporate Citizenship Consulting |
CCC | Correlated Computer Code (programming simulation tool) |
CCC | Crackers Comedy Club |
CCC | Constant Composition Code |
CCC | Custom Chopper Club (motorcycle club; France) |
CCC | Critical Coagulant Concentration |
CCC | Cruise Control Coast |
CCC | Cambridge Chinese Corps (UK) |
CCC | Cargo Category Code |
CCC | Catchment Conservation Committee (Nepal) |
CCC | Covenant Coaching Circles |
CCC | Communications Control Console |
CCC | Channel-Cut Collimator |
CCC | Cost Category Code |
CCC | Corps Computer Centers |
CCC | Copeland Community Center (Duluth, Minnesota) |
CCC | Colorado Christian Coalition |
CCC | Computers in Cardiology Conference |
CCC | CDMA Cluster Controller |
CCC | Clinic Control Center |
CCC | Client Connection Conduit |
CCC | Communications-Computer Committee |
CCC | Companies Consolidated Contractors Co |
CCC | Classified Control Clerk |
CCC | Continental Cement Company LLC |
CCC | Concentration in Cross Contamination sample (analytical chemistry) |
CCC | Course Cost Code |
CCC | Coastal Coordinating Controller |
CCC | Conseil Cannois de Concertation (French: Cannes Consultative Council; Cannes, France) |
CCC | Chemical Contamination Control |
CCC | Cincinnati Car Company |
CCC | CIK Comfirmation Code |
CCC | Chopping Current Control |
CCC | Channel Correlation Coefficient |
CCC | Collector's Club of Chicago (philatelic group) |
CCC | Computer Career Connection, Inc |
CCC | Clean Conscience Cleaners |
CCC | Cargo Control Console |
CCC | Carolina Christian Communications |
CCC | Classic Closet Case (gay/lesbian/bisexual slang; aka triple C) |
CCC | Cullompton Cricket Club |
CCC | Councillors and Commission Chairs (International Union of Pure & Applied Physics) |
CCC | Calendar Countdown Condition |
CCC | Calvary Cottage Community (Arizona) |
CCC | Cathodal Closer Contraction |
CCC | Centre des Conseils Communaux (French: Center for Communal Councils) |
CCC | Canis Club Chartrain (French dog training club; Chartres, France) |
CCC | Challenge Course Consultancy (UK) |
CCC | Curricula and Certification Council |
CCC | Community-Controlled Currency (economics) |
CCC | Coaching and Consulting for Change (INSEAD business school diploma programme) |
CCC | Capitol Cement Corporation |
CCC | Cardiff Cycling Club (Wales, UK) |
CCC | Citrus County Cruisers (automobile club; Florida) |
CCC | Contract Consultants Corporation |
CCC | Command and Communication Center |
CCC | City Colleges Center (Phoenix, AZ) |
CCC | Citroen Club Cordoba (automobile club; Cordoba, Argentina) |
CCC | Computer Command Carburetor (automotive) |
CCC | Combinatorics, Computing and Complexity |
CCC | Cox Customer Care Center |
CCC | Club Canin Challandais (French: Challandais Kennel Club; Challans, France) |
CCC | Commission Consultative de Concertation (French: Consultation Advisory Board) |
CCC | Communication Centrée sur le Client (French: Client-Centered Communication) |
CCC | Community Collaborative for Change (National Center on Family Homelessness; Boston, MA) |
CCC | Corgi Collector Club (model car club) |
CCC | Church Computer Center |
CCC | Canari Chant Club (French: Singing Canary Club) |
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