Organizations such as the AAC&U, in collaboration with the Campus Compact, the Carnegie Foundation, the AAHE, and more recently the
CUMU undertook the task of promoting pedagogical approaches that would encourage civic engagement on the part of students.
According to Tore Formso of the Oslo, Norway-based Central Union of Marine Underwriters (
CUMU), Greece commands 19.6 percent of the reported world fleet tonnage, followed by Japan (13.2 percent), Norway (7,8 percent), China (5.6 percent) and the United States (5.4 percent).
An experimental technique, radiographic fluorescence, provides a more accurate method for determining long-term,
cumu lative lead exposure and the total body burden of lead (7), but only a limited number of research facilities in the United States and Canada provide bone lead measurements.
To avoid
cumu!ative trauma injuries, sonographers should vary their scanning postures, standing for some scans and sitting for others, or use a sit-stand stool that offers body support.