Structured data entry is provided in CISCL along expected practice work-flow (e.g.
For instance, if one chooses to edit the Word document from CISCL, they can add their hospital or personal logo and have it printed automatically with all reports.
CISCL supports input of questionnaires such as these in multiple languages, and is particularly helpful at guiding the system administrator through creation of new scales for patient testing.
The important emphasis of the CISCL approach is that since the data is linked to a language-independent matrix, it is often extremely easy to directly compare survey data from multiple regions.
The CISCL program can be initiated in a "Developer Mode" where any text item on the GUI can identified and update via the "Language Manager." As shown in the Figure 3, the cursor when held on the item on the screen will show the corresponding "resource key" and the language manager then allows the user to search and replace this with any description the user's request.
The CISCL program can also dynamically change to another supported language via the Language Options menu.
The Survey Wizard is a unique CISCL tool of particular use to regional customization.
Actually, this Wizard, due to its ability to provide flexible modeling and revision of underlying data structures, was used to create the main Psychiatric Consultation data entry form used by CISCL. Similarly, the Survey Wizard can be used for all of the following:
For instance, the cities or states can be stored in code groups for use by all portions of CISCL and are predefined.
As the CISCL program has undergone evolution into a multi-language supporting system, there have been major issues in adapting it to support cultural and language diversity.
Initially, all CISCL screens were designed specifically to handle the length of English text.
This was extremely time consuming and made updating the CISCL system difficult since each change to the GUI had to be copied, sent, translated, and re-entered into the system.