Examination disclosed abundant evidence that within a half-hour the cedar forest had been occupied by a strong force of Confederate infantry--an ambuscade.
Two or three miles along, the head of the column approached a dense forest of cedars bordering the road on both sides.
That province of the kingdom of Damot, which I was assigned to by my superior, is called Ligonus, and is perhaps one of the most beautiful and agreeable places in the world; the air is healthful and temperate, and all the mountains, which are not very high, shaded with
cedars. They sow and reap here in every season, the ground is always producing, and the fruits ripen throughout the year; so great, so charming is the variety, that the whole region seems a garden laid out and cultivated only to please.
On the branches of the
cedars were perched large eagles; amid the foliage of the weeping willows were herons, solemnly standing on one leg; and on every hand were crows, ducks, hawks, wild birds, and a multitude of cranes, which the Japanese consider sacred, and which to their minds symbolise long life and prosperity.
"You have said quite enough, I'm sure." The next minute she had swept down the stairs--and not until she reached the first floor did it suddenly occur to her that she had gone up into the attic to find a white wool shawl in the
cedar chest near the east window.
About thirty miles above Point Vancouver the mountains again approach on both sides of the river, which is bordered by stupendous precipices, covered with the fir and the white
cedar, and enlivened occasionally by beautiful cascades leaping from a great height, and sending up wreaths of vapor.
The talk whipped quite away from Billy, who could only admire the detailed work of the
cedar desk while he listened.
A well-kept lawn, with six-hundred-years-old
cedars and a twenty-feet yew hedge, will add distinction to the meal.
From the safer seclusion of a clump of
cedars he looked back.
At last he came to one of the largest forests in all the world, composed entirely of cedars. But in spite of the deep shadows cast by the wide-spreading branches of the trees, the grass underneath was soft and green, and covered with the rarest flowers.
This road is planted all the way with cedars of Lebanon; and after going down it a long way you will come at last to a magnificent castle.
The few little
cedars, which were so dull and dingy before, now stood out a strong, dusky green.