CASGCollaborative Antiviral Study Group
CASGCapability Acquisition & Sustainment Group (Australia)
CASGCommercial Activities Study Guide (DA PAM 5-20)
CASGComputer Audit Specialist Group (British Computer Society; UK)
CASGCoordinamento Assistenti Sociali Giustizia (Italian: Coordination Assistants Social Justice)
CASGCarleton Academic Student Government (Canada)
CASGCivil Aviation Safety Group (UK)
CASGCanadian Apheresis Study Group (plasma exchange)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Bu choir do dh'`aitean far a bheil turasachd a' leudachadh coimhead ri planaichean airson casg a chur oirre aig an aon am.
He was embedded with the ADF, working with the CASG and the Maritime Component Command and Fleet Battle Staff.
In the first trial, CASG 103, 45 infants who had CNS HSV (37 subjects) or disseminated HSV with CNS involvement (8 subjects) were randomly assigned to receive 6 months of oral acyclovir or matching placebo after first undergoing a standard 21 day course of parenteral acyclovir.
assessments were not performed in 38% of subjects in the CASG 103 study This substantial attrition renders the primary protocol end point less interpretable," they noted.
"In today's market there's a need to go global," notes Malcolm Mason, AMT international marketing director and staff liaison to CASG. "Small companies don't have the resources to go it alone.
Pall, president of City Machine Tool & Die (Muncie, Ind.)and a CASG member.
Chan eil facal ann mu dheidhinn a bhith a' casg losgadh monach, a bheil?