125) rievoca quella fossa del cimitero in cui lo scrittore si ripara dalla
calura: <<Nel mezzo del cimitero si apriva una fossa, profonda qualche metro, con le pareti ben tagliate nella terra secca pronta per il prossimo morto.
To control for changes in unionization rates (defined as the percentage of unionized workers to the working force population), data on union membership from the Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act (CALURA) for the years 1981-1995 were spliced with data from the LFS for the period covering 1997-1999.
(10) As the CALURA was amended in 1995, whereby the requirement that union coverage data be published was removed, a 1-year gap in data (1996) ensued before the LFS began publishing similar coverage estimates.
Failure of glucocorticoid feedback during breeding in the male red-tailed phascogale Phascogale
calura (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae).
Annual Report of the Minister of Science and Technology under the Corporation and Labour Unions Returns Act (
CALURA): Part I Corporations, 1988.
These data are based on information provided under the Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act (
CALURA) and published in Statistics Canada (1992).
The author would like to thank Annibale D'Ercole and Gerhard Hensler for careful reading of the paper and for very useful suggestions and corrections; Sylvia Plockinger for having produced Figure 3; Francesco
Calura, Pavel Kroupa, Nigel Mitchell, Sylvia Plockinger, Donatella Romano, Rory Smith, Eduard Vorobyov, and Svitlana Zhukovska for having read sections of this review and for having provided very useful comments; and an anonymous referee, whose comments improved the quality of the paper.
Calura, "Resorbable barrier and envelope flap surgery in the treatment of human gingival recession defects.
Calura. "Combined guided tissue regeneration, root conditioning, and fibrin-fibronectin system application in the treatment of gingival recession.