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BDABig Dumb Animal
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BDABlast Danger Area
BDABoom Drogue Adapter (aerial refueling)
BDABank Draft Authorization
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BDABenzophenone Dicarboxylic Acid
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BDABroadband Distribution Amplifier
BDABrigade Design Analysis
BDABlatant Display of Affection
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References in periodicals archive ?
(100.) The British Deaf Association is the largest deaf-advocacy group in the U.K., is run by deaf people, and lead the campaign for British Sign Language ("BSL") to be recognized as a minority language.
Members of the deaf community and representatives from a range of organisations including the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, the British Deaf Association and the Midland Regional Association of Deaf attended the launch party and viewed the website on computers set up for the occasion.
The British Deaf Association said it was "shocked and insulted."
Lest we forget, this is the man who slated the Chinese as "slitty eyed", the man who, when he visited a Scottish electronics company, saw a badly-fitted fuse box and remarked it looked like it "had been put in by an Indian," the same man who said to a group of teenagers from the British Deaf Association who were standing next to a Caribbean Steel Band "If you're near THAT music it's no wonder you're deaf."
But the British Deaf Association is concerned that children like Renez are being denied their own culture of deafness.
He was nominated by the British Deaf Association for the Princess Diana Roll of Honour 2017 for his work on TV promoting sign language.
But at South Tyneside, deaf people wanted to lead independent lives and, with the help of British Deaf Association (BDA), we fought to have a social worker and an independent interpreter for deaf people.
David Buxton, chief executive of the British Deaf Association, said: "This will bring us into the 21st century."
A CHARITY disco will be held in Coventry to raise money for the British Deaf Association.
GWENT Police and the British Deaf Association will join together today for the launch of an anti-crime DVD targeting deaf victims.
And they will be showing off their talents during an assembly as part of National Learn to Sign Week which is organised annually by the British Deaf Association. It is another remarkable trait at a school where so many languages are already spoken by some of the pupils.
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