(redirected from British Cultural Studies)
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BCSBowl Championship Series (college football)
BCSBritish Computer Society
BCSBody Condition Score
BCSBryan/College Station (Texas)
BCSBaja California Sur
BCSBolton Central School (Bolton Landing, NY)
BCSBusiness Connectivity Services (software)
BCSBlount County Schools (Maryville, TN)
BCSBreast Conserving Surgery (cancer)
BCSBolsa de Comercio de Santiago (Spanish: Santiago Stock Exchange)
BCSBritish Crime Survey (survey carried out by UK Home Office, since 1982)
BCSBusiness and Computer Science (various schools)
BCSBreast Cancer Screening
BCSBreast Cancer Survivor
BCSBaby Changing Station (various companies)
BCSBerean Christian School (Fairview Heights, IL)
BCSBusiness Communication Skills
BCSBibliotheca Classica Selecta
BCSBest Case Scenario
BCSBoundary Condition
BCSBoard Certified Specialist (various organizations)
BCSBusiness Consulting Services
BCSBehavioral and Cognitive Sciences (US NSF)
BCSBayer Crop Science
BCSBattered Child Syndrome (abuse)
BCSBasic Clinical Skills (medicine; various schools)
BCSBishop's College School (Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada)
BCSBusiness Critical Server
BCSBusiness Control System
BCSBlock Control Signal
BCSBean Context Support
BCSBroadcast Control System
BCSBattery Charge Status
BCSBoost Control System
BCSBlock Check Sequence
BCSBusiness Consulting Service
BCSBranch on Carry Set
BCSBasic Combined Subset
BCSBasic Catalog Structure
BCSBrightness Contrast Saturation
BCSBand Combiner and Splitter
BCSBrake Cylinder Stopper
BCSBackup Control System
BCSBusiness Critical Systems
BCSBroadcasting System
BCSBreast Cancer Symposium
BCSBattery Charging Station (various companies)
BCSBethel Christian School (California)
BCSBudd-Chiari Syndrome
BCSBriarcrest Christian School (Memphis, TN)
BCSBachelor of Computer Science
BCSBreast Cancer Surveillance
BCSBusiness Classification Scheme (various locations)
BCSBiopharmaceutics Classification System
BCSBoston Computer Society
BCSBattle Control System (replacement for the Control and Reporting Center, CRC)
BCSBangladesh Civil Service
BCSBritish Cultural Studies (UK)
BCSBuilding Condition Survey (New York)
BCSBritish Cardiac Society
BCSBachelor of Communication Studies
BCSBoeing Computer Services
BCSBasic Content Services (Enterprise Content Management Usage)
BCSBusiness & Commercial Services (various organizations)
BCSBusiness Cycle Synchronization
BCSBroad Community Support (International Finance Corporation)
BCSBar Code Scanner
BCSBusiness and Consumer Survey (various organizations)
BCSBusiness Communications Systems
BCSBasic Combined Subset (ANSI & ITU-T)
BCSBardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (superconductivity theory)
BCSBiochemical Society (London, UK)
BCSBinary Synchronous Communication
BCSBangladesh Computer Samity
BCSBragg Crystal Spectrometer
BCSBlackwell Consulting Services (various locations)
BCSBinary Compatibility Standard
BCSBusiness Continuity System (various organziations)
BCSBranch If Carry Set (6502 processor instruction)
BCSBuilding Control System
BCSBanking Communication Standard
BCSBar Code Sorter
BCSBusiness Career Service (various organizations)
BCSBlock Check Sequence (GPRS Backward Error Correction)
BCSBattery Computer System
BCSBureau of Child Support (Wisconsin)
BCSBorder Cargo Selectivity
BCSBourses Sur Critères Sociaux (French: Social-Based Fellowships)
BCSBureau of Consumer Services
BCSBranded Customer Service
BCSBody-Centered Square (crystal structure)
BCSBates Computer Solutions (Canada)
BCSBasic Control System
BCSBachelor of Commercial Science
BCSBoost Control Solenoid
BCSBonetti, Castoldi, Speroni (agricultural machinery company; Italy)
BCSBlack Canyon School (Arizona)
BCSBiomass Combustion Systems (Canada)
BCSBulk Cash Smuggling
BCSBretagne Capital Solidaire (French investment company)
BCSBody Cavity Search
BCSBrucargo Community System (Brussels)
BCSBlank Check Society (Hilliard, FL)
BCSBelgian Chemometrics Society
BCSBritish Clematis Society
BCSBatch Change Supplement (AT&T)
BCSBack Course (aviation/avionics)
BCSBuildings and Community Systems
BCSBombay Catholic Sabha
BCSBroadcasting Council for Scotland (now Audience Council Scotland; UK)
BCSBlank Check Stock
BCSBrentwood College School (Victoria, British Columbia)
BCSBasic Cadet School
BCSBucks County Symphony (Pennsylvania)
BCSBlue Creek School (Billings, MT)
BCSBachelor of Christian Studies
BCSBody-Centered Tetragonal
BCSBengali Cultural Society of Kuwait
BCSBallistic Computer System
BCSBody Coordinate System
BCSBoard Certified in Securities
BCSBackground Condition Screening (equipment system health monitor)
BCSBois Colombes Sports (French sports club)
BCSBusiness Continuity Support (HP)
BCSBarnard Castle School (UK)
BCSBengali Cultural Society (Kuwait)
BCSBusiness Communication Server (Hewlett Packard)
BCSBerkhamsted Collegiate School
BCSBureau Central de Sécurité (French security company)
BCSBritish Chemical Standard
BCSBlanchard Chauffage Sanitaire (French: Blanchard Sanitary Heating)
BCSBachelor of Chemical Science
BCSBoard of Celtic Studies (University of Wales)
BCSBench Check Serviceable
BCSBalanced Cluster Service
BCSBroadband Communications System
BCSBasic Communications Services
BCSBoeing Computer Systems
BCSBallistic Camera Station
BCSBuilding Cabling Systems (Department of Defense unified facilities criteria)
BCSBulk Chemical Storage
BCSBarycentric Coordinate System
BCSBadminton Club Suresnois (French badminton club)
BCSBinary Coded Signaling
BCSBasic Combined Set
BCSBrilliant Career School (Nazimabad Karachi, Pakistan)
BCSBeam Congruency System
BCSBorder Crossing System (Sprint)
BCSBusiness Conducting Standards (American Bar Association)
BCSBachelor of Contemporary Studies
BCSBatch Command Set
BCSBuffer Compare Status
BCSBulk Change Supplement (Sprint)
BCSBlacksburg Community Strings (Blacksburg, VA)
BCSBrooklyn Court Section (Brooklyn, NY)
BCSBackbone Circuit Switch
BCSBusiness Computer Solutions, Incorporated
BCSBattlefield Computer System
BCSBinghamton Simulator Co.
BCSBuoy Camera System
BCSBase Call Scoring (algorithm)
BCSBattalion Countermine Set (also seen as BCMS)
BCSBIDDS Control Subsystem
BCSBermuda Collectors' Society (philatelic group)
BCSBretagne Clio Sport (French car association)
BCSBureau de Cooperation Suisse (French)
BCSBinary Clocking Sequence
BCSBureautique Consommables Services (French: Office Supply Services)
BCSBaseline Comparison/Correlation System
BCSBurst Committed Size (Newbridge)
BCSBreakout Call Server
BCSBoss Chick Status (entertainment management company; Atlanta, GA)
BCSBelgian Ceramic Society
BCSBetter Computer Solutions, Inc.
BCSBlock Count Sheet
BCSBishops' Central Storehouse
BCSBackplane Connector System
BCSBachelor of Corporate Science
BCSBullseye Communications System
BCSBasket Club de Souffelweyersheim (French basketball club)
BCSBugatti Club Suisse (French; Swiss car club)
BCSBrown's Cab Services (Wisconsin)
BCSBachelor of Child Study
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References in periodicals archive ?
Goldthree: Scholars in the field of Black British cultural studies, including Stuart Hall and Barnor Hesse, have problematized how the arrival of the Empire Windrush is commemorated as an "originary moment" in mainstream accounts of the emergence of postcolonial Britain.
Vanderschelden's work differs from other recent texts in the genres and production types she has chosen as well as her combination of French textual analysis and British cultural studies.
One of the founding editors of "The New Left Review," credited with co-founding British cultural studies as a school of thought in the 1960s, Hall was very much a public intellectual.
Roger Bromley provides an especially clear but concise summary of the history of British cultural studies, and Dennis McQuail's personal memoir provides another side of the evolution of British communication research during the second half of the last century.
"Now, there's a blue plaque at the bottom of the university's Muirhead Tower in recognition of the work, which says 'the focus for British cultural studies founded here 1964'.
He discusses audiences as objects of mass media, as institutional constructions and commodities, as active users of media, and as producers and subcultures of media, integrating effects-based perspectives and active audience theories such as uses and gratifications, British cultural studies, and reception theory, as well as an overview of media fandom.
One may notice throughout the theoretical weight of certain authors, who were already important in the former volume and in the "narrow" British cultural studies tradition (3) particularly, such as Althusser, Foucault, Gramsci and Stuart Hall, while others, traditionally associated with poststructuralism (Barthes, Derrida, Lacan, Lyotard, Baudrillard), acquire a new weight.
British cultural studies previously had focused primarily on the study of texts, and drawn extensively on semiotics to determine whether the meanings in texts were subversive or regressive, but in the 1970s a crossover between British subcultures research and media studies led to a change in direction, and an interest in combining textual analysis with audience fieldwork.
At the heart of his investigation is a paradox--why, when some key proponents of the Black British Cultural Studies "movement" were proclaiming its exhaustion as early as 1990, were the ideas of these theorists gaining a second life, as it were, in the United States?
Another dimension, not emphasised by the editors is a geographical one; many of these contrasting trajectories and approaches to affect having especially taken root in Australian cultural studies and it would be fair to characterise the collection as an Australo-American one, that is based on both an explicit displacement of the dominant, semiotic-political tendencies of British cultural studies and its affective reinvention in the contexts of US/Canadian (Grossberg, Clough, Massumi) and Australian (Morris, Probyn, Gibbs) cultural studies.
Here the insights of postcolonial theory, British cultural studies and anti-racist historiography could have cast greater light on the racialized aspects of Macmillan and Douglas-Homes' modernizing agenda.
David Walton's Introducing Cultural Studies: Learning Through Practice (2008) is one of the most notable recent manuals on cultural studies on the making of British Cultural Studies. This volume benefits from Walton's (Joycean) insights attempting to redefine concepts ("puncepts" 300) so as to encourage a creative approach to cultural criticism, a tone already displayed in some of Walton's previous publications ("Theme-Antics and the The-Eerie Class: CrWit(t)icism in Wrap" (1998) and Ac(unofficial)knowledging Cultural Studies in Spain (2002).
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