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BCOBoston Classical Orchestra (Boston, MA)
BCOBooking Centre Online (Spain)
BCOBargain Catalog Outlet
BCOBritish Council for Offices (UK)
BCOBMC Capacity Optimization (software)
BCOBuilding Code Official (various locations)
BCOBoulder, Colorado
BCOBattalion Commanding Officer (US Navy)
BCOBureau of Charitable Organizations (Pennsylvania)
BCOBiodiversity Convention Office (Canada)
BCOBeneficial Cargo Owner (importer of record who takes possession of cargo at destination)
BCOBuilding Control Officer (UK)
BCOBuilding Communication Opportunities (development alliance)
BCOBaker College Online (Michigan)
BCOBasic Center Operations
BCOBonded Concrete Overlay
BCOBallast Control Operator (offshore drilling)
BCOBinary Coded Octal
BCOBlock Coincidence (robotics)
BCOBusiness Capacity Owner
BCOBattery Control Officer
BCOBase Central Office
BCOBelmont Community Organization
BCOBristol Concert Orchestra (Bristol, UK)
BCOBattery Cut-Off
BCOBase Communications Officer
BCOBase Contracting Office
BCOBird Carvers Online
BCOBasket Club d'Orchies (French basketball club)
BCOBranch Compliance Officer
BCOBridge Cutoff
BCOBoa Constrictor Occidentalis (herpetoculture)
BCOBusiness Conduct Office
BCOBright Class O (insulation)
BCOBroomfield Civic Orchestra (Broomfield, CO)
BCOBroad Concept of Operations
BCOBalcones Community Orchestra (Austin, TX)
BCOBombardment Control Officer
BCOBounded Crystal Orbital
BCOBadminton Club Orangeois (French badminton club)
BCOBasket Club Octeville (French basketball club)
BCOBarrack Control Officer
BCOBye Control Officer
BCOBasket Club Ostwald (French basketball club)
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References in periodicals archive ?
The new Guide to Specification from the British Council for Offices (BCO) provides an outline for a new way of thinking.
The building has received several design awards including the Scottish Design Award for Commercial Interior and the British Council for Offices National and Regional Awards for Commercial Workplace.
The building was one of the final pieces of the jigsaw to complete at the 17-acre Brindleyplace estate when it opened in 2009 and just a year later it was crowned UK national commercial workplace of the year by the British Council for Offices at its annual awards.
Newcastle's Live Works and Janet Nash House in Durham were recognised at the annual British Council for Offices' (BCO) regional awards held in Manchester.
The British Council for Offices (BCO) named Hugh James' headquarters, Two Central Square, as the best in south England and south Wales.
"As our workforce evolves, we have a continuous focus on strategic workforce planning to ensure we have a vast array of programmes, including earn-andlearn opportunities." Hazel Pearson, Scotland Committee member of the British Council for Offices and recent chair of BCO NextGen for younger property professionals, says: "We are currently experiencing the fourth Industrial Revolution: the technology and digital revolution, characterised by the rise of robotics and automation, and the integration of technology which is smart and connected into both our organisations and our daily life.
In May, Alpha Works was named the winner for projects up to 1,500 sq metres at the British Council for Offices' Midlands Awards, with judges saying it delivered a prototype for a regional serviced office space.
The conversion of 55 Colmore Row into a modern office block was praised by judges at the tenth British Council for Offices' (BCO) Midlands and Central England awards.
The building, which was designed to be the 'happiest workplace in the UK', was recognised as one of Britain's best offices by the British Council for Offices in April 2017.
The most prominent of these is ICD Brookfield Place, which will be benchmarked against the British Council for Offices (BCO) and the Middle East Council for Offices (MECO) Best Practice design guidelines.
And within the space of just over a year it has already won a clutch of awards including: best new commercial building at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Awards 2017, Wales; best commercial workplace at the British Council for Offices (BCO) property sector awards; and it was one of just four buildings to be shortlisted by the Royal Society of Architects for the Welsh Architecture Awards 2017.
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