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References in periodicals archive ?
Redwall by Brian Jacques Redwall Abbey, tranquil home to a community of peace-loving mice, is threatened by Clun y the Scourge - the evil, one-eyed rat warlord - and his battle-hardened horde of predators.
The world has an infinite number of stories and I'm doing my best to tell as many as I can, he says, fondly remembering his mentor, Brian Jacques, the British author who inspired him to become a writer.
For younger readers, Obama's purchases included three titles in the "Redwall" series by Brian Jacques, two titles in the Junie B.
The John Redfern Boatman Award was won by Brian Jacques.
The target's portfolio includes Brian Jacques' fantasy novel series Redwall along with digital and interactive rights to brands like Star Trek and Stargate.
According to police, Brian Jacques, 45, of Worcester, has been charged with motor vehicle homicide, driving a motor vehicle so as to endanger, failure to display headlights, and failure to slow for a pedestrian in a roadway.
Fans of Brian Jacques' Redwall series will love this story.--Etienne Vallee.
Brian Jacques' THE ROGUE CREW: A TALE OF REDWALL (9780399254161, $23.99) tells of Razzid Warat, captain of a ship with wheels that can sail through water and forest that terrorizes both land and sea.
HUNDREDS gathered at Liverpool Cathedral for a service to celebrate the life of Brian Jacques.
By Kenneth Grahame; introduction by Brian Jacques; edited with a preface and notes by Annie Gauger.
The second series are the Redwall books by Brian Jacques. These books are similar to The Wind in the Willows, with stories being populated with adventurous mice, moles, and hedgehogs living in and defending their home of Redwall Abbey.
This is an adaptation of the popular children's series written by Brian Jacques. Matthias the mouse is a monk who daydreams of being a warrior.