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References in periodicals archive ?
This would allow reactive tuning to be performed, matching the terminal impedance of the bow-tie antenna to the spectral component of the impulse that has the highest amplitude.
After deep examination of bow-tie antenna literature, one can conclude that there is a problem of matching each side of the bow-tie antenna to a suitable practical feeding port (usually the 50 [ohm] (SMA) connector).
Compton et al., "Bow-tie Antennas on a Dielectric Half Space: Theory and Experiment," IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, Vol.
Caption: Figure 29: A printed double-sided rounded bow-tie antenna (DSRBA) [94].
Finite Element-Boundary Integral Method (FE-BI), which is a very powerful numerical technique for radiation and scattering analysis of antennas, has been applied to a double sided rounded bow-tie antenna covering the spectrum from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) communications.
Recently, lots of frequency reconfigurable antennas based on UWB antenna [3], circular monopolar patch antenna [5], slot antennas [7-11], bow-tie antenna [12], and PIFA [13] were proposed for multiband wireless communication applications like low frequency LTE band (699-862 MHz), high frequency LTE band (2496-2690 MHz), Bluetooth (2400-2480 MHz), WLAN (5.15-5.825 GHz), WiMAX (2500-2690 MHz), and so forth.
The solid and wire bow-tie antenna configurations have been used in many applications over the past years because of their broadband characteristics.
A typical printed bow-tie antenna structure has a variable b/t ratio along its length, thus the effective dielectric constant at any point along the length of the antenna varies according to the relationship given by Equation 2.
V Hoa, "Carbon-fiber composite T-match folded bow-tie antenna for RFID applications," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2009, June 2009.
A bow-tie antenna design is proposed to practically implement the antenna-mode-switching elements for the above smart antenna array.
The geometry of a bow-tie antenna is convenient for demonstrating coupling to a detector element and for explaining operation.
It is demonstrated that an array consisting of resistively loaded bow-tie antenna [43], of the kind developed for GPR work, and could be used to realize such a screening system.