(redirected from Bow-Tie Antenna)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
BTA | Bicycle Transportation Alliance (AU) |
BTA | Bachelor of Theatre Arts (various schools) |
BTA | Board of Tax Appeals (IRB) |
BTA | Board of Tax Appeals (now Tax Court) |
BTA | But Then Again |
BTA | Biologisch Technische Assistentin (German: Biological Technial Assistant) |
BTA | Beyond the Ashes (band) |
BTA | Bata (SIL code, Nigeria) |
BTA | British Travel Awards (UK) |
BTA | Building Trades Association |
BTA | British Tinnitus Association |
BTA | British Tourist Authority |
BTA | Business Technology Association |
BTA | Boyce Thompson Arboretum |
BTA | British Thyroid Association |
BTA | Business Travel Account |
BTA | Barbados Tourism Authority |
BTA | Broadcasting Technology Association |
BTA | Blue Tooth Analog |
BTA | Bisdn Terminal Adapter |
BTA | Basic Trading Area |
BTA | Border Tax Adjustment (trade) |
BTA | Business Transformation Agency (US DoD) |
BTA | British Triathlon Association |
BTA | Bilateral Trade Agreement |
BTA | Basic Trading Area (FCC - PCS) |
BTA | Bollettino Telematico dell'Arte |
BTA | Benzotriazole |
BTA | Bacon, Tomato, Avocado (sandwich) |
BTA | Botswana Telecommunications Authority |
BTA | Bureau des Technologies d'Apprentissage (Canadian office of learning technologies) |
BTA | Brevet de Technicien Agricole (French: Agricultural Technician Certificate) |
BTA | Bicycle Transportation Account (Canada) |
BTA | Bank TuranAlem (Kazakhstan) |
BTA | Biuro Turystyki Aktywnej (Polish tourism office) |
BTA | Branch Target Address (computing) |
BTA | Border Trade Alliance |
BTA | British Toilet Association |
BTA | British Trout Association |
BTA | Biological Terrain Assessment |
BTA | Broadband Terminal Adapter (B-ISDN) |
BTA | Basic Transport Allowance (travel) |
BTA | Bout that Action |
BTA | Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (Bulgarian News Agency) |
BTA | Bruce Trail Association (Canada) |
BTA | Better Than Average |
BTA | Belgian Teleworking Association |
BTA | Burbank Teachers Association |
BTA | Binding-Time Analysis |
BTA | Business Technology Associates |
BTA | Bladder Tumor Associated Antigen |
BTA | Berkeley Training Associates |
BTA | Boilerplate Test Article (US NASA) |
BTA | Bolshoi Teleskop Azimutalnyi (Russian telescope) |
BTA | Bow-Tie Antenna |
BTA | Burnaby Teacher's Association (est. 1929; Canada) |
BTA | Business Technology Administration (various locations) |
BTA | Black Tie Affair |
BTA | Brain Tumor Action |
BTA | Banco Totta & Açores (Portuguese bank) |
BTA | Best Time Available |
BTA | Buffer Tube Assembly (manufacturing) |
BTA | Budget Turnaround |
BTA | Blue Tide Aquatics (Texas) |
BTA | Behold the Arctopus (band) |
BTA | Blanket Travel Authority (Canada) |
BTA | Brushless Torque Actuator (electromagnetic product) |
BTA | Bachelor of Tourism Administration (India) |
BTA | Best Technical Approach |
BTA | Bible Translation Association (est. 1974; Papua New Guinea) |
BTA | Better Than All (band) |
BTA | Bolt Type Anchor (shackle) |
BTA | Biological Threat Agent |
BTA | Breakthroughs Abroad |
BTA | Bond Traders Association |
BTA | Bass Tab Archive |
BTA | Brunswick Transit Alternative (Ohio) |
BTA | Boiler Tube Company of America |
BTA | Beijing Telecommunications Administration |
BTA | Big Telescope Alt-azimuthal |
BTA | British Technology Awards (UK) |
BTA | Bacillus Thuringiensis Aizawai |
BTA | Boulder Tennis Association |
BTA | Ballet Theatre Afrikan |
BTA | Baseline Target Assessment (war) |
BTA | Business Target Agreement |
BTA | Bois Transformés d'Aquitaine (French wood product manufacturer) |
BTA | Bio Threat Alert |
BTA | Bulletin Technique Apicole |
BTA | B-ISDN Terminal Adapter |
BTA | Berkeley Technology Associates |
BTA | Breakthrough to the Aging |
BTA | British Thematic Association |
BTA | Biomagnetic Therapy Association |
BTA | Benzoyltrifluoroacetone (chemistry) |
BTA | Boston Tufts Alliance |
BTA | Baker Technology Associates |
BTA | Brooklyn Talmudical Academy |
BTA | Bretagne TransAmérica (French heritage association) |
BTA | Baltimore Theater Alliance |
BTA | British Taoist Association |
BTA | Brownsville Tennis Association |
BTA | Basic Travelers Allowance |
BTA | Behavioral Targeting Advertising |
BTA | Budget Transfer Allocation |
BTA | Bureau of Traffic Adjudications (Washington, DC) |
BTA | British Transport Advertising |
BTA | Be There Always |
BTA | Basic Technical Applications |
BTA | Broadband Telecommunications Architecture (Sprint) |
BTA | Blanket Tension Assembly |
BTA | Bath Teachers Association |
BTA | Bicycle the Americas |
BTA | Burst Transport Mode Architecture |
BTA | Best Theatre Arts |
BTA | Battle Training Assembly |
BTA | Bubble Tanks Arena (game) |
BTA | Bon de Trésor par Adjudication (French: Purchase Award by Treasury; Madagascar) |
BTA | Blaine Turner Advertising, Inc. |
BTA | Building Together Association (Thailand) |
BTA | Biotechnica America |
BTA | Business Transformation Associates (Canada) |
BTA | Bio-Terrorism Act of 2002 (US) |
BTA | Be There Aloha |
BTA | Big Time Audio |
BTA | Bordeaux Tourisme Affaires (French: Bordeaux Tourism Business; Bordeaux, France) |
BTA | Bâtiment et Techniques d'Armor (French construction company) |
BTA | Bâtiment Technique Artisanal (French construction company) |
BTA | Billion-Transistor Architecture |
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