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BNBBed 'n Breakfast
BNBBroadway National Bank (now BNB Bank)
BNBBanco do Nordeste do Brasil (Brazil)
BNBBanque Nationale de Belgique
BNBBritish National Bibliography
BNBBonheur National Brut (French: Gross National Happiness; psychological index)
BNBBluetooth Notebook
BNBBusiness Notebook
BNBBuilt Not Bought (forum)
BNBBulgarian National Bank
BNBBotika Ng Barangay (Filipino: The Village Pharmacy)
BNBBranch and Bound
BNBBad News Bears (movie)
BNBBread and Breakfast (usually seen as B&B)
BNBBlack 'N Blue (Rolling Stones album)
BNBBanana Nut Bread
BNBBread 'n Butter
BNBBelgian National Bank
BNBBooks Not Bars
BNBBeslissingen in Belastingzaken (Dutch: Decisions in Taxation; tax law reference)
BNBBrew Not Bombs
BNBBurt Neilson Band (Canadian rock band)
BNBBroiled-in-Butter (mushrooms)
BNBBibliothèque Numérique Berbère (French: Berber Digital Library)
BNBBank of New Brunswick
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