(redirected from Bharat Fritz Werner Limited)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
BFW | Battle for Wesnoth (computer strategy game) |
BFW | Berlin Fashion Week |
BFW | Backup for Windows |
BFW | Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen |
BFW | Built for War |
BFW | Body Fat Weight (health statistic) |
BFW | Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin |
BFW | Bread for the World |
BFW | Bayerische Flugzeugwerke |
BFW | Birthing From Within (Goleta, CA) |
BFW | Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald, Naturgefahren Und Landschaft (Vienna, Austria) |
BFW | Boiler Feedwater |
BFW | Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd. (India) |
BFW | Broadband Fixed Wireless |
BFW | Bangkok Fashion Week (Bangkok, Thailand) |
BFW | Bang Face Weekender (electronic dance music; UK) |
BFW | Bharat Fritz Werner Limited (machine tool manufacturer; India) |
BFW | Bearing False Witness |
BFW | Binders Full of Women (politics) |
BFW | Bibles for the World (Colorado Springs, CO) |
BFW | Barbel Fishing World (web forums) |
BFW | Bleed from Within (band) |
BFW | Broadcast WAVE Format |
BFW | Big Fat Whale (web cartoon) |
BFW | Broadstairs Folk Week (UK) |
BFW | Born For War (gaming clan) |
BFW | Beveled For Welding |
BFW | Breast Fed Worms (gaming clan) |
BFW | Best Friends at Work |
BFW | Bond Forfeiture Warrant |
BFW | Biafra Nigeria World (website) |
BFW | Belt Fed Weapon (band) |
BFW | Brazil Firewall and Router |
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