(redirected from Bad Teenage Mustache)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
BTM | Bottom |
BTM | Better than Most |
BTM | Business Transaction Management |
BTM | Bridge Team Management (maritime safety) |
BTM | Business Technology Management |
BTM | Betäubungsmittel (German: drugs) |
BTM | Batch to Memory |
BTM | Broadband Transport Manager |
BTM | Batch Time Sharing Monitor |
BTM | Best Tuning Memory |
BTM | Brevet Technique des Métiers (French: Technical Trade Certification) |
BTM | Behind the Music (VH1) |
BTM | Best Tuning Memory (Sony) |
BTM | Balise Transmission Module (railway safety) |
BTM | Behind the Mask |
BTM | Boys to Men |
BTM | Bluetooth Module (wireless technology) |
BTM | Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. |
BTM | Bachelor of Tourism Management (various universities) |
BTM | Beneath the Massacre (band) |
BTM | Bochumer Ton Manufaktur (German record label) |
BTM | Borobudur Travel Mart |
BTM | Butte, MT, USA (Airport Code) |
BTM | Big Thunder Mountain (Disney Theme Parks) |
BTM | Ballet Theatre of Maryland (Annapolis, MD) |
BTM | Bromotrifluoromethane |
BTM | Bowling this Month (magazine) |
BTM | By the Minute |
BTM | Benchmark Timing Methodology |
BTM | Barrie Trim and Mouldings (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) |
BTM | Boarding Team |
BTM | Behind-the-Meter (generators) |
BTM | Break The Matrix |
BTM | Build to Manage Toolkits (IBM) |
BTM | Byrasandra Tavarekere Madivala (development scheme; Bangalore, India) |
BTM | Bone Turnover Marker |
BTM | Boarding Team Member |
BTM | Burning the Masses (death metal band) |
BTM | Betäubungsmittelmißbrauch (German: Drug Abuse, used in the police records) |
BTM | Basic Transfer Mode |
BTM | Blame the Media |
BTM | Baggage Transfer Message |
BTM | Bad Teenage Mustache |
BTM | Blood Temperature Monitoring |
BTM | Business Task Management (business software) |
BTM | Bless This Mess |
BTM | Buoyant Turret Mooring (oil tankers) |
BTM | Baltimore Tattoo Museum |
BTM | Big Trellis Model |
BTM | By-the-Minute Consulting (est. 2009) |
BTM | Base TEMPEST Manager |
BTM | Boat Tail Match (ammunition) |
BTM | Bocholter Tractoren en Motoren (Dutch; Belgian tractor and engine society) |
BTM | Brushless Torque Motor (engine technology) |
BTM | Bout That Money (band) |
BTM | Blast Test Missile |
BTM | Branch Terminal Manager (banking) |
BTM | Behind the Mirror Team (Tampa, FL multimedia production company) |
BTM | Batignolles Tapis Multiservices (French carpet company) |
BTM | Backward Transformation Method |
BTM | Biotech Monthly (independent research firm) |
BTM | Burst Transmission Mode |
BTM | Bearer Transport Node |
BTM | Blog Ta Mère (French blog) |
BTM | Bell Telephone Number |
BTM | Build-Transfer-Maintain |
BTM | Big Time Mafia (video game; graffiti gang) |
BTM | Black Top Maintenance |
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