MOSELEY: M Cook; N Simpson, R Martin (rep Y Ayeb, 79min), M Roberts, S Jones; A Binns, M Chudleigh (S Bemon, 60); M Long (S MacKinnon, 60), R Protherough (R Hampton, 72), N Webber, T Healy, N Mitchell, P Buxton, I Patten, W Drake-Lee (P Short, 61).
SIR - I was highly amused, greatly bemused but also absolutely delighted to read the piece in which Roger Lewis is reported as having "launched a scathing attack on the vultures picking off Wales' star players ("Lydiate off to France as WRU bemons 'vultures'", Dec 6).
SIR - I believe that Roger Lewis has been an effective chief executive of the WRU but his comments reported in the Western Mail regarding "vultures" picking off Welsh players "like pieces of meat" is emotive and lacks analysis of whether there is indeed a problematic area at all ("Lydiate off to France as WRU bemons 'vultures'", Dec 6).