BAGGBayesian Action-Graph Game (computer theory)
BAGGBay Area Geotechnical Group (engineering business; Sunnyvale, CA)
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References in classic literature ?
Baggs, late Governor of this State, at Independence, on the night of the 6th inst.
Baggs was shot by some villain on Friday, 6th inst., in the evening, while sitting in a room in his own house in Independence.
Would you take a seat in Mr Lightwood's room, sir, while I look over our Appointment Book?' Young Blight made a great show of fetching from his desk a long thin manuscript volume with a brown paper cover, and running his finger down the day's appointments, murmuring, 'Mr Aggs, Mr Baggs, Mr Caggs, Mr Daggs, Mr Faggs, Mr Gaggs, Mr Boffin.
The company was founded in 2012 by CEO and IP protection lawyer, Simon Baggs, and chief technical officer and systems architect Bret Boivin Talisman, the company's counterfeit detection technology, was launched in 2015.
"Amputation, rather than being considered a treatment failure, is viewed by our staff as one of the treatment options aimed at maximizing the Soldier's rehabilitation potential," Bagg said.
Bagg suffered a broken leg and a dislocated ankle when falling badly after coming on in the Parker Pen European Shield tie as a second-half replacement for David Weatherley.
Bagg will miss the rest of the season after sustaining serious leg and ankle injuries during the game.
Bagg was taken to a French hospital after suffering a broken leg and a dislocated ankle when he fell awkwardly in a tackle.
It doesn't show any signs of going away anytime soon KATE BAGGS melbourne, australia
Julia Baggs, defending, said: "Mr Nickell is utterly disgusted and appalled by his behaviour.
"We are greatly looking forward to launching in the U.S., engaging more deeply with leaders in the sustainability field and contributing to the trajectory of greening the US built environment," said David Baggs, Global GreenTag's CEO and program director.