(redirected from Astronomy Students Association)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
ASA | American Standards Association (now ANSI) |
ASA | Angle Side Angle (geometry) |
ASA | Alcohol and Substance Abuse (various organizations) |
ASA | Adult Substance Abuse (various organizations) |
ASA | Amateur Softball Association |
ASA | Adaptive Security Appliance (Cisco) |
ASA | Automotive Service Association |
ASA | Advertising Standards Authority (UK) |
ASA | American Society on Aging |
ASA | Amateur Swimming Association (UK) |
ASA | Autism Society of America |
ASA | Americans for Safe Access |
ASA | Adaptive Server Anywhere |
ASA | American Soybean Association |
ASA | American Statistical Association |
ASA | American Society of Appraisers |
ASA | American Sailing Association |
ASA | American Sociological Association |
ASA | American Studies Association |
ASA | American Speed Association (stock car racing sanctioning organization) |
ASA | American Staffing Association |
ASA | As Soon As |
ASA | African Studies Association |
ASA | Atlantic Southeast Airlines (wholly owned subsidiary of Delta Air Lines, Inc.) |
ASA | Assistant Secretary of the Army |
ASA | American Society of Anesthesiologists |
ASA | Acoustical Society of America |
ASA | Alaska Airlines (ICAO code) |
ASA | American Supply Association |
ASA | American Society of Agronomy |
ASA | Adult Sexual Assault |
ASA | Alexander-Smith Academy (Houston, TX) |
ASA | American Subcontractors Association (Alexandria, VA) |
ASA | American Stroke Association |
ASA | American Scientific Affiliation |
ASA | Acetylsalicylic Acid (aspirin) |
ASA | American Sportfishing Association |
ASA | Asian Students Association |
ASA | American Student Assistance |
ASA | After School Art (various locations) |
ASA | After School Activity (various schools) |
ASA | Advertising Standards Agency |
ASA | Australian Society of Authors |
ASA | Army Security Agency |
ASA | Average Speed of Answer |
ASA | Accredited Senior Appraiser |
ASA | Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (México) |
ASA | Applied Science Associates, Inc. |
ASA | Aviation Supplies & Academics |
ASA | Aminosalicylic Acid |
ASA | Academic and Student Affairs (various schools) |
ASA | Anti-Sperm Antibody |
ASA | American Sleep Association (est. 2002) |
ASA | Agent Systems and Applications |
ASA | Association Suisse d'Assurances (Swiss Insurance Association) |
ASA | Association of Social Anthropologists |
ASA | Adaptive Sports Association (Durango, CO) |
ASA | Average Sunday Attendance (churches) |
ASA | Adaptive Simulated Annealing |
ASA | Audi Side Assist |
ASA | Automated Service Agents |
ASA | anti Spam Agent |
ASA | Automation Systems Architecture |
ASA | American Standards Association |
ASA | Advance Separated Absorbed System |
ASA | anti Spam Alliance |
ASA | Automated Support Assistant |
ASA | Adaptive Security Appliance |
ASA | Autocad Support Assistance |
ASA | Advertising Standards Authority |
ASA | Alice Sweet Alice |
ASA | Australian Society of Archivists |
ASA | Assistant System Administrator (various locations) |
ASA | Air Stagnation Advisory |
ASA | Advanced Signal Analysis (Siemens technology) |
ASA | Airservices Australia |
ASA | Association Sportive Automobile (French: Motor Sports Association) |
ASA | American Society of Andrology |
ASA | Adaptive Security Algorithm |
ASA | Aid to Southeast Asia (est. 1989) |
ASA | Australian Society of Anaesthetists |
ASA | Auditory Scene Analysis (psychoacoustics) |
ASA | Austrian Space Agency |
ASA | Astronomical Society of Australia |
ASA | Associate of the Society of Actuaries |
ASA | Academic Study Associates |
ASA | Assalamu Alaikum (Arabic: May Peace Be Upon You) |
ASA | Archiv für Schweizerisches Abgaberecht |
ASA | American Softball Association |
ASA | Alpha Sigma Alpha |
ASA | Adaptive Security Architecture (computing) |
ASA | American Simmental Association |
ASA | AIDS Services of Austin |
ASA | Annual Service Agreement (various organizations) |
ASA | African Students Association (various universities) |
ASA | Armenian Student Association |
ASA | Association for Social Advancement |
ASA | Assistant State's Attorney |
ASA | Advice Services Alliance (UK) |
ASA | Association of Subscription Agents |
ASA | Advanced Systems Automation Limited (Singapore) |
ASA | Arizona Students Association |
ASA | American Shipbuilding Association |
ASA | Alberta Soccer Association |
ASA | Australasian Sleep Association |
ASA | Autocostruzioni Societa Per Azioni (Italian car company) |
ASA | American Sugar Alliance |
ASA | Arbeits- und Studienaufenthalte (German educational program) |
ASA | Antarctic Support Associates (NSF USAP Support Contractor) |
ASA | Aerospace States Association |
ASA | Arizona School for the Arts (Phoenix, AZ) |
ASA | Air Sovereignty Alert (US Air Force) |
ASA | American Screenwriters Association |
ASA | Association of Siamese Architects |
ASA | Administrative Support Assistant |
ASA | Automated Static Analysis (software vulnerability) |
ASA | Association of Scouts of Azerbaijan (est. 1997) |
ASA | Association Suisse de l'Arbitrage |
ASA | Administrative Services Agreement (various organizations) |
ASA | After School Alliance (various locations) |
ASA | Ask an Astronomer (various locations) |
ASA | Associazione Solidarietà AIDS |
ASA | Atomic Sphere Approximation |
ASA | ACCESS Systems America (various locations) |
ASA | Anderson Student Association (University of California, Los Angeles) |
ASA | Aspirin Sensitive Asthma |
ASA | Automatic Spectrum Analyzer (US DoD) |
ASA | Aggressive Skaters Association |
ASA | Arizona Sign Association (trade association) |
ASA | Automatic Slack Adjuster |
ASA | Alexandria Sanitation Authority (Fairfax County, VA) |
ASA | American Salvage Association (Arlington, VA) |
ASA | Allocation Spécifique d'Attente (French; supplemental income) |
ASA | Amherst Soccer Association (various locations) |
ASA | Arab Student Association |
ASA | American Sportscasters Association |
ASA | Adoption Support Agency (UK) |
ASA | Allele Specific Amplification |
ASA | All Source Analysis |
ASA | Accounting Students Association |
ASA | American Shotcrete Association |
ASA | Active Server Application (Microsoft) |
ASA | Astronomical Society of the Atlantic |
ASA | Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd (Welsh: Quality Assurance Agency; UK) |
ASA | Air Source Adapter (paintball) |
ASA | Advanced SCSI Architecture |
ASA | Agency for Social Analyses (Sofia, Bulgaria) |
ASA | Avantage Spécifique d'Ancienneté (French: Specific Advantages of Seniority) |
ASA | American Sommelier Association |
ASA | Australian Society of Agronomy |
ASA | American Synesthesia Association |
ASA | Associação Scholem Aleichem |
ASA | Actuarial Sciences Associates |
ASA | Allied States of America |
ASA | active surface area |
ASA | Astronomy Students Association (University of Texas) |
ASA | Anti-Spam Agent (software) |
ASA | American Subbuteo Association |
ASA | Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense |
ASA | Albany Students' Association |
ASA | Applied Science and Analysis, Inc. |
ASA | Autorisation Spéciale d'Absence (French: Special Leave of Absence) |
ASA | Association of South-East Asia |
ASA | Art Service Association |
ASA | Alumni Scholars Association (various schools) |
ASA | Advanced Standing Admission (various universities) |
ASA | Application Server Administrator (various organizations) |
ASA | Audio Service America (Albany, NY) |
ASA | American Sniper Association |
ASA | Adult Services & Aging |
ASA | Academic Systems Algebra (educational software program) |
ASA | Avicultural Society of America |
ASA | Appalachia Studies Association (est. 1977) |
ASA | Airline Services Agreement |
ASA | Associazione Scientifica Amatoriale |
ASA | Anti-Static Additive |
ASA | Athlétique Sport Aixois (French athletics club; Aix-les-Bains, France; est. 1947) |
ASA | Audiovox Specialized Applications, LLC |
ASA | American Sports Analysts |
ASA | Auditable Safety Analysis |
ASA | Australian Standards Association |
ASA | Association of Singapore Attractions |
ASA | Accredited Safety Auditor |
ASA | Australian Shareholders' Association Ltd |
ASA | Army Signal Activity |
ASA | Advanced Safety Audit |
ASA | Always Safe Afloat (shipping) |
ASA | Annular Slot Antenna |
ASA | American Saluki Association (Michigan) |
ASA | Albuquerque Soaring Association |
ASA | Australian String Academy |
ASA | American Scholastic Association |
ASA | Advanced Systems Associates |
ASA | After School Assignment |
ASA | Algemeen Spaans Adviesbureau |
ASA | Apsylis Services Automation (French software company) |
ASA | Advanced System Architectures Ltd |
ASA | Advanced Space Academy |
ASA | Advanced Security Appliance (Cisco) |
ASA | Aerosurface Servoamplifier (US NASA) |
ASA | American Soccer Academy |
ASA | Advanced System Architecture |
ASA | Australian Shipowners Association Limited |
ASA | Attraction-Selection-Attrition framework |
ASA | Aviation Safety Advisory |
ASA | Associazione Salentina Astrofili |
ASA | Anti-Spam Alliance |
ASA | Army School of Ammunition |
ASA | American Schizophrenia Association |
ASA | Army Space Agency |
ASA | Alberta Sign Association (Canada) |
ASA | Afrique Secours et Assistance (French) |
ASA | Acrylonitrile-Styrene-Acrylate Terpolymer |
ASA | Army Strategic Appraisal |
ASA | Advanced System Avionics |
ASA | Another Stupid Acronym |
ASA | Anaerobe Society of the Americas, Inc. |
ASA | Accelerated Safety Assessment |
ASA | Automation Systems Architecture (CAN/Devicenet Communications Identifier) |
ASA | Arizona Spirit Association |
ASA | Additional Shift Allowance |
ASA | Acoustical Scene Analysis (psychoacoustics) |
ASA | Alternative Strategy Advisers LLC |
ASA | Attribute SAS Authority |
ASA | American Snowmobilers Association |
ASA | Adaptive Sub-Channel Allocation |
ASA | Application Systems Architecture |
ASA | Auxiliary Solar Array |
ASA | Alternate Splice Area (FOC) |
ASA | Abaxial Spherical Aberration |
ASA | Audubon Soccer Association (Pennsylvania) |
ASA | Active Star Architecture |
ASA | Aereopuertos y Servicios Auxiliares |
ASA | Automated Student Administration |
ASA | Abstract Source Alphabet |
ASA | Accounting Schedule Activity |
ASA | Another Silly Acronym |
ASA | Air Surveillance Area (early warning) |
ASA | Auxiliary Spectrum Analysis |
ASA | Article Submit Auto (application) |
ASA | Automatic Signal Analysis |
ASA | Antenna Selector Assembly |
ASA | Advanced Surveillance Aircraft |
ASA | Automated SIOP Allocation |
ASA | Administrative State Attribute |
ASA | Area Software Analyst |
ASA | Advanced Strike Aircraft |
ASA | Analyst Support Architecture |
ASA | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Südliches & Östliches Afrika eV (Munich, Germany) |
ASA | Army System Architecture |
ASA | Archery Shooters Association LLC |
ASA | Alberta Snomobile Association |
ASA | Aperture Switching Assembly |
ASA | Asynchronous/Synchronous Analyzer (Digital Lightwave) |
ASA | Author Supplied Abstract (abstracting & indexing) |
ASA | Addressing System Agent |
ASA | Agere Systems Australia (Australia) |
ASA | Automatic Switchboard Attendant |
ASA | Archive Society of Alberta (Canada) |
ASA | Actual Sum Assured (insurance industry) |
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