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AGAttorney General
AGAktiengesellschaft (German: Stock Corporation)
AGAccountant General
AGArgentum (silver)
AGAgent General
AGAutomotive Group
AGAssembly of God Church
AGAncient Greek (language)
AGAbove Ground
AGAge Group
AGAssemblies of God
AGAll Good
AGAvant Garde (wheel manufacturer)
AGAdriano Goldschmied (clothing manufacturer)
AGAmerican Girl
AGAccess Gateway
AGAction Group
AGAntigua and Barbuda
AGAl Gore
AGAmtsgericht (German district court)
AGAuditor General (Canada)
AGArbeitsgruppe (German: Working Group)
AGAnything Goes (Guns N' Roses song)
AGAargau (Swiss canton)
AGAuftraggeber (German: contractee)
AGAssemblée Générale (French: General Assembly)
AGAmazing Grace
AGAlgebraic Geometry (branch of pure mathematics)
AGAbout good (coin collectin, grade)
AGAdvocate General (various nations)
AGAcid Gas
AGAccess Grid
AGAir Group (aircraft carriers)
AGAnalysis Group (CEOS)
AGAcapulco Gold (marijuana strain)
AGAmerican Greetings Corporation
AGArroyo Grande (California)
AGAdrian Gonzalez (baseball player)
AGAlchemy Gothic
AGAustralia Group
AGAssistance Group
AGAddicting Games
AGAli G (TV show)
AGAnnual Gathering (Mensa's annual national convention)
AGMiscellaneous Auxiliary (US Navy)
AGAdvanced Generation (Mobile Suit Gundam AGE; anime series)
AGApplication Gateway
AGArgovie (Swiss Canton)
AGAll Grain (home brewing)
AGAbout Good (numismatics; worst condition of ordinary coin)
AGActivity Group
AGArabian Gulf
AGAmy Grant (recording artist)
AGAssurances Générales (Belgian Insurance Company)
AGAktiengesellschaft Germany (German software manufacturer)
AGAnother Girl (Beatles song)
AGArtes Gráficas (Guatemala)
AGApplication Generator
AGAssistant Governor (various organizations)
AGAuthors Guild
AGAccess Group
AGArmed Guard
AGAstronomische Gesellschaft
AGArmy Group
AGAustralian Geographic (magazine)
AGAutorità Giudiziaria (Italian: Judicial Authority)
AGAnion Gap
AGAssociated Grocers (New England)
AGAccess Granted
AGAcademically Gifted
AGAgrigento, Sicilia (Italian province)
AGArt Guild
AGArthur Guinness
AGAdministrator General
AGAdrenaline Gamer
AGAttribute Group (GDMO)
AGAttogram (10 E^-18, one quintillionth)
AGAttack Group
AGAccess Grant
AGArresting Gear
AGAerographer's Mate (USN Rating)
AGArtificial Gravity
AGAgent Group (Sprint)
AGAnestesia General (Spanish, French: general anesthesia)
AGAlbert Gore Jr. (former US vice president)
AGAlternating Gradient
AGAntenna Group
AGAccredited Genealogist
AGAirlift Group
AGAssistance Groups
AGAddress Generator
AGAndean Group
AGArea Governor
AGAdjutant General's Corps
AGAdministrative Guide
AGAverage Gypsy (band)
AGAmbiguously Gay
AGAuxiliary Generator
AGAgriculture Glossary
AGAttitude Gyro (NASA)
AGAkademija za Glasbo (Music Academy; Ljubljana, Slovenia)
AGArmy Guidance
AGAl Greenspan (Federal Reserve Board chairman)
AGAuxiliary Graph (optical network)
AGAdjacency Graph
AGArray Gain
AGAlexander Graham Middle School (Charlotte, NC)
AGAdaptive Graphics
AGAttack Guidance
AGAnthony Gancarski (American journalist)
AGAnimo Grato (Latin: with a grateful mind, epigraphy)
AGAlbright Green (band from Washington, DC)
AGAsistencia Global (Guatemala insurance agency)
AGÁceros de Guatemala (Guatemala, steel industry)
AGAceros de Guatemala (Guatemala)
AGApocalypse Gaming (video game community)
AGAnderson and Gill (Reliability Model)
AGAssociated Geosciences (Calgary, AB, Canada)
AGAltitude Gauge
AGAlter Guild
AGAgens Gratiam (Latin: Thankful, epigraphy)
AGAravind Ghosh
AGAlphabet Goddess
AGAll Guide Inc. (Korea)
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